A simple Hello World application written in Go.
- (https://git-scm.com/download/win) You will need Git to clone this, unless you just want to grab the zip file from Github :)
- (https://golang.org/dl) Go is a little necessary :P
run "git clone https://github.com/AaronCTech/hello-go.git" in your favorite project directory on your computer to download the project. GitHub will also allow a direct download via a zip file from the project.
To run the application, open your favorite command line tool (CMD/Powershell/Bash), enter the hello-go directory, and run "go run main.go". This will invoke Go's built in run tool, and display "Hello Go!" in your command window.
To build a binary, run "go build ." from the hello-go directory, and you will see a new file "hello-go.exe" appear if you are on Windows, or "hello-go" appear on Linux. These are standalone applications, and can be executed on ANY system without the need to install any dependencies.
It should be noted that it is possible via command arguments to build Linux binaries from Windows, and vice versa!