Our project enables schools to introduce students to programming in a much more approachable manner. Inspired by projects like Scratch and HourofCode, our project aims to introduce block programming in a more immersive enviroment. Unlike VR, the Microsoft Hololens provides a medium that would allow students to have a better visualization for learning the fundementals of programming without diminishing the social experience, and collaboration within the classroom.
All of our team members have decided to support future builds of this project. However, without a Hololens that will remain a difficult process, if we were to recieve funding from our university or third party to purchase a hololens for our team to test on, we will be able to achieve our goals much faster.
Unfortunately only a few early builds of our project are available on Github. The more recent versions remain locally on multiple group members personal devices. In future builds we will optimize the optimization and use of our project.
Feel free to ask us questions about our project!