HackingWithSwift Public
Forked from twostraws/HackingWithSwiftThe project source code for hackingwithswift.com
Core-Data-in-SwiftUI---Pizza-Restaurant-App Public
Forked from BLCKBIRDS/Core-Data-in-SwiftUI---Pizza-Restaurant-AppTutorial: https://www.blckbirds.com/post/core-data-and-swiftui
geChallenge Public
Angular application for listing most starred Github repos that were created in the last 30 days.
Angular-Bootstrap-Boilerplate Public
Forked from mdbootstrap/Angular-Bootstrap-BoilerplateAngular CRUD application starter with NgRx state management and Firebase backend
learn-rxjs Public
Forked from btroncone/learn-rxjsClear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS 5/6+
embrace-power-solution Public
Forked from danmt/embrace-power-solutionModular Multi Step Form with NgRx
rubyfunctions Public
Forked from emad-elsaid/rubyfunctionsLike Rubygems.org but for Ruby functions
app-ideas Public
Forked from florinpop17/app-ideasA Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
puppeteer-examples Public
Forked from checkly/puppeteer-examplesPuppeteer example scripts for running Headless Chrome from Node. Run them at https://puppeteersandbox.com
angular-pro-app-seed Public
Forked from ultimatecourses/angular-pro-app-seedSeed project for Angular Pro final application
gatsby-strapi-portfolio-site-2020 Public
Forked from john-smilga/gatsby-strapi-portfolio-site-2020 -
angular-tesla-range-calculator Public
Forked from ultimatecourses/angular-tesla-range-calculatorBuilding Tesla's battery range calculator with Angular 2+ reactive forms
es_extended Public
Forked from divians/fxserver-es_extendedThe ESX Core
pizza-sync Public
Forked from maxime1992/pizza-syncPizza-Sync is a web app built on the frontend with angular, ngrx and on the backend with Nest. It let you and your friends/colleagues choose a pizza before placing a group order. Built using https:…
public-apis Public
Forked from public-apis/public-apisA collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
awesome-selfhosted Public
Forked from awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhostedThis is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from Sa…
angularjs-styleguide Public
Forked from toddmotto/angularjs-styleguideAngularJS styleguide for teams
1 UpdatedFeb 14, 2018 -
FuseJS-TodoApp Public
Forked from Duckers/FuseJS-TodoAppExample todoapp made with FuseJS
CodeMirror Public
Forked from codemirror/codemirror5In-browser code editor
md_simple_editor Public
Forked from rderoldan1/md_simple_editorVery simple markdown editor for rails
angular-architecture Public
Forked from toddmotto/angular-architectureAngular architecture guide for teams.
1 UpdatedJun 14, 2017 -
fuse-samples Public
Forked from fuse-open/fuse-samplesA collection of smaller examples using the various features of Fuse and FuseJS.
time_difference Public
Forked from tmlee/time_differenceThe missing Ruby method to print out time difference (duration) in year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second.
es6-cheatsheet Public
Forked from DrkSephy/es6-cheatsheetES2015 [ES6] cheatsheet containing tips, tricks, best practices and code snippets