- Morocco
- abdenasser.com
- @__abdenasser
- in/abdenasser
neohtop Public
πͺπ» system monitoring on steroids
awesome-tauri Public
Forked from tauri-apps/awesome-tauriπ Awesome Tauri Apps, Plugins and Resources
bridge Public
Forked from gauge-sh/bridgeAutomatic infrastructure for Django
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 14, 2024 -
tcp-tac-toe Public
a peer to peer TCP tic tac toe game in plain Golang
dr_scaffold Public
scaffold django rest apis like a champion π
gatsby-starter-ghost Public
Forked from TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghostA starter template to build lightning fast websites with Ghost & Gatsby
RNTravelJournal-concept Public
a react native Travel Journal application UI concept inspired by this nice design @dribbble https://dribbble.com/shots/15004647
badges Public
Forked from Naereen/badgesπ Markdown code for lots of small badges π π (shields.io, forthebadge.com etc) π. Contributions are welcome! Please add yours!
react-native-template-obytes Public
Forked from obytes/react-native-template-obytesA React Native template for your next Project
build-your-own-x Public
Forked from codecrafters-io/build-your-own-xπ€ Build your own (insert technology here)
1 UpdatedJun 30, 2021 -
mumbleapi Public
Forked from divanov11/mumbleapiBackend/API for the Mumble.dev, an open source social media application.
Django-Styleguide Public
Forked from HackSoftware/Django-StyleguideDjango styleguide used in HackSoft projects
experimenting features of django rest framework
react-query-essentials Public
Forked from tannerlinsley/react-query-essentialsModule source code for the React Query Essentials course
mosh-complete-python-course Public
Forked from jmschp/mosh-complete-python-courseCode with Mosh - The Complete Python Course
practical-python-projects Public
Forked from yasoob/practical-python-projects -
FlaskIntroduction Public
Forked from jakerieger/FlaskIntroductionRepo for my tutorial on freeCodeCamp.org
react-query-tutorial Public
Forked from iamshaunjp/react-query-tutorialAll course files for the React Query tutorial on The Net Ninja YouTube channel.
1 UpdatedMar 27, 2021 -
tinder-expo Public
Forked from stevenpersia/tinder-expoTinder clone - Expo.
two-scoops-of-django-3.x Public
Forked from feldroy/two-scoops-of-django-3.xThe issue tracker, changelog, and code repository for Two Scoops of Django 3.x
Mastering-Object-Oriented-Python-Second-Edition Public
Forked from PacktPublishing/Mastering-Object-Oriented-Python-Second-EditionMastering Object-Oriented Python - Second Edition, published by Packt
locally Public
Forked from samuelezedi/locallyAn extension of flutter local notification, to simplify local notifications
awesome-flutter Public
Forked from Solido/awesome-flutterAn awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
react-state-management-course Public
Forked from ultimatecourses/react-state-management-course