our server codes in order to train, and test our model
1- first I generated the ssh key using:
Open Terminal, and Type.
ssh-keygen -C "your registered email address"
2- Then copy the public key from your computer by
type in terminal:
gedit /home/"login user"/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
It will open the text editor then contains the public key. Copy it.
3- then login into this page to the dashborad.
4- Open Your mailbox and click on the link in order to login into the dashborad.
5-The dashborad will open.
6- Click on Action Recgnition.
7- Scroll down untill you reach your name.
8- In front of your name click add key.
9- Paste your public ssh key, then click submit.
10- Then you will receive your username in your email address.
then use ssh to get acess to the server.
11- Open the terminal, and type
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
12 - In order to login into the server every time type in the terminal: