Blockchain Engineer with 2+ years of experience in the entire Blockchain project development workflow, from design, architecture, integration with other services, testing and gas optimisation, to deployment on the Mainnet. Worked in teams of 4 to 6 people.
Blockchain Intern in Infograins Software solutions Ltd, one of the most prestigious blockchain dev company in India
- from May 2021 - July 2021 as blockchain trainee
- from July 2023 - Sept 2023 as solidity engineer
Blockchain Intern at Webllisto Technologies Pvt. Ltd from May 2022 to July 2022
- MBA(Tech.) dual degree course from Narsee Monjee Institute from Management Studies, Indore (2019-2024)
- B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) in Computer Engineering
- MBA majors in Finance and minors in BIA (Business Intelligence and Analytics)
- Blockchain Professional Certification from UC Buffalo.
- Matic banknote project with redemption
- NFT marketplace smart contracts (V1)
- Website link:
- Contracts link:
- PMBC DEX with invoicemint, pools and staking
- Website link:
- Contracts link:
- Optimism cross chain bridge (for ETH and ERC20, both deployed an undeployed)
- Webpage link-
- Optimism layer 2 implementation by OP-STACK and Layer 1 as Goerli
- Property broking project with ERC 6551 Token Bound Accounts
- Fraction NFT With Auction
- contracts link:
- CBDC Implementation in blockchain
- contracts link:
- CBDC Implementation in blckchain with merkle tree
- contracts link:
- Other projects
- contracts link:
- Ethereum, Polygon, EVM, Optimism, Opensea
- Expert in -
- Building ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, ERC6551 TBA, proxy contracts and other openzeppelin standard contracts
- ERC 4337 account abstraction
- Writing gas optimised code
- Using solidity assembly
- Debugging contracts
- Security: Code Review, Security Research in solidity
- Platform: Linux, Git, Github Actions, Gitlab CI/CD
- Docker
- Languages
- Python: Data science, Machine Learning, AI
- Solidity: Foundry, Ethersjs, Web3, Alchemy, Infura, assembly