Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate developer currently studying computer science engineering. I love working on projects that push my coding skills and bring ideas to life. I'm exploring a variety of areas, including web development, stock market trading, and building applications with the MERN stack.
- Frontend Development: JavaScript, HTML, CSS ,react,nextjs
- Backend Development: Node.js
- Tools: Git, GitHub
- Ongoing Learning: MERN stack, especially JavaScript and react
- Short-term:
- Master MERN stack essentials, focusing on GSoC-relevant skills.
- Long-term:
- Excel in my studies and deepen my expertise in Computer Science and Engineering.
- Pursue a Masterโs degree, ideally expanding my research and development skills.
- Establish a strong foundation to contribute to innovative projects in tech, potentially making a mark in open-source communities and beyond!
- PetSelling: A collaborative project where I focus on the frontend, while my friend handles the backend. Building this project has helped me understand Git branching, forking, and organizing code.
- Spotify Clone: A deep-dive into frontend development, sans CSS! This project is part of my practice journey.
- Email: [email protected]
- linkedin : Abhilash reddy
Happy coding! ๐