Swiggy - Applied Research
- Bengaluru
- www.abhishek-bose.com
- @abose550
go-primer-bkms Public
Contains CRUD apis for a book management system creating using the MUX and GORM frameworks in golang
Go UpdatedSep 13, 2023 -
Pytorch-for-DeepLearning Public
This repo contains notebooks related to the pytorch for deep learning tutorial series
ray-serve-dag-experiment Public
Contains experiments with ray serves new Dag module
Python UpdatedDec 23, 2022 -
stylegan2-pytorch Public
Forked from rosinality/stylegan2-pytorchImplementation of Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (StyleGAN 2) in PyTorch
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 30, 2022 -
Contains notebooks and scripts from the book chapters
GAN2Shape Public
Forked from XingangPan/GAN2ShapeCode for GAN2Shape (ICLR2021 oral)
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 2, 2021 -
streamlit-example Public
Forked from streamlit/streamlit-exampleExample Streamlit app that you can fork to test out share.streamlit.io
Python UpdatedNov 16, 2021 -
prom_ex_test_project Public
Testing prom_ex elixir module for different dashboard configurations
Elixir UpdatedOct 15, 2021 -
CustomCookieCutterTemplate Public
Contains cookie cutter template for DS projects
Python UpdatedSep 18, 2021 -
approx_search Public
This repository contains experiments with different approximate nearest neighbour search algorithms on different datasets
Python UpdatedAug 12, 2021 -
kafka-es Public
This repository shows an example of connecting elastic search with python and data coming in through kafka
UnsupervisedML Public
Contains jupyter notebooks for different unsupervised machine learning problems
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 3, 2021 -
django_practice Public
Contains small apps for practicing the django framework
Python UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
flutter_business_card Public
Contains code to create a lightweight business card UI in flutter
Dart UpdatedJul 25, 2020 -
kafka_python Public
Sharing information between python programs using Kafka
ProjectEuler_codes Public
Programming solutions to mathematical problems on Project Euler website
Python UpdatedDec 2, 2019 -
fashion_mnist_mlflow Public
Fashion Mnist training using Keras/tf2 and mlflow
Python UpdatedNov 10, 2019 -