The Customize Windows Consultancy
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- @AbhishekCTRL
Configure mSMTP to make WordPress able to send you email
Tools and living docs 🧬 for Debian-based servers and Web Applications
Make an ESP32 Arduino to beep when your smartwatch comes to proximity
Android app to create home screen shortcuts that trigger arbitrary HTTP requests
Experiments in low-power-wifi on esp8266, esp32, and ...
ESP32 Arduino Code with DHT11 Sensor
mirb (Embeddable Interactive Ruby Shell) for ESP32
Example sketches for WROOM ESP32 with IBM Watson IoT Platform
Modern Open Source Flat Files Content Management System.
Contains fail2ban settings for our guide and some extra filters.
Ciplerli.st - strong ciphers for NGINX, Apache and Lighttpd
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Percona MySQL, Ondrej's PHP, Ondrej's Apache2
DEPRECATED: Curated list of resources related to serverless computing and serverless architectures.
LedBlinkLib is example of how Arduino libraries are written.
Non-blocking LED controlling library for Arduino and friends.
MCUFRIEND ST7789V TFT Calculator Snippet for Arduino. Pull request to make better wanted.
For info see https://github.com/its-pointless/gcc_termux
Arduino IR Obstacle Sensor Buzzer With LED
Google Docs Script to Run IBM Watson For Text Analysis
MCUFRIEND_kbv Library for Uno 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend Shields
Adafruit Libraries changed to works in TFT 2.4 shields with the SPFD5408 controller for Arduino Uno and Mega (Discontinued library)
MyPaint is a simple drawing and painting program that works well with Wacom-style graphics tablets.
OpenToonz - An open-source full-featured 2D animation creation software
OpenToonz plug-in developed by DWANGO
My own copy to run Jupyter Notebook with Python 2.x on Bluemix
Collection of Arduino IDE Themes Created By Community