A Simple IntelliJ-based Redis Plugin
基于IntelliJ的Redis插件 / IDEA Redis插件
- Due to the change in password persistence in beta-0.9.0, the password will be erased after upgrading, so you need to backup your password before upgrading from beta-0.8.0 and earlier to beta-0.9.0 and later.
- 由于 beta-0.9.0 版本修改了密码的持久化方式, 升级后密码会被清除, 所以从 beta-0.8.0 及其之前的版本升级到 beta-0.9.0 及其之后版本之前需要备份密码
- add
- batch delete
- reload
- edit
- duplicate
- console (The 'RESTORE' command and blocking commands such as 'SUBSCRIBE' are not supported)
- info (Various information and statistical values about the Redis server)
- close
- view the number of keys in DB and DB
- filter
- group
- reload
- add(String, List, Set, ZSet, Hash)
- batch delete
- flush DB
- quick search
- rename
- view type of the key
- reload
- delete(a row in List/Set/ZSet/Hash)
- set TTL
- edit/save(include Value/Field of Hash/Score of ZSet)
- add(a row in List/Set/ZSet/Hash)
- paging(List/Set/ZSet/Hash)
- format value to json
Add a connection DBs Keys Add a key Value display Add a row Console Info