Welcome to my portfolio! Here you can find a collection of my projects, skills, and achievements.
👋 Hi, I’m @AdarshPBaiju. I am a Python Developer with experience in building scalable web applications using Python, Django, Django REST Framework, and Flask. I am passionate about web development and constantly learning new technologies to improve my skills.
- Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, C++
- Backend Development:: Django, Django Rest Framework, Celery, Redis
- Frontend Development:: ReactJS, JavaScript
- Others:: Web Scraping, Caching, Redis, Celery, Docker
Junior Python Developer at Yafei AI Technologies
- Tech stack: Django, ReactJS
Python Developer Intern at Techwingsys
- Accumulated hands-on experience in back-end development, specializing in Python and Django frameworks.
- Developed and delivered multiple backend applications, demonstrating proficiency in project management and execution.
- Enhanced user experience by integrating third-party APIs, including payment and authentication systems.
- Description: Spearheaded the creation of a dynamic Django-powered eCommerce platform with advanced payment integration, user authentication, and real-time notifications.
- Technologies: Django, PostgreSQL, PayPal, Razorpay, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Description: Developed a URL shortener web application with features such as custom short URL generation, redirection, and analytics tracking.
- Technologies: Django, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Description: Created a full-stack multi-user TODO application with CRUD functionality.
- Technologies: Django, SQLite, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Description: Efficiently scheduled and managed hospital appointments with a user-friendly web platform.
- Technologies: Django, SQLite, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Description: Enhanced user engagement by developing a puzzle game with interactive features.
- Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Description: Achieved 95% accuracy in DDoS detection using KNN and Naïve Bayes algorithms.
- Technologies: Python, KNN, Naïve Bayes
- Description: Created and launched a multi-user portfolio website using PHP Laravel.
- Technologies: PHP, Laravel, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
- Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor (2019 - 2023)
- Web Development Training - Certificate of Completion from Internshala Training
- Certificate Course in C++ Programming - Intermediate
- Adaptability: Quickly adapting to new technologies and environments for efficient work performance.
- Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving skills to tackle complex challenges in web development projects.
- Team Collaboration: Proven ability to enhance teamwork and collaboration skills in fast-paced environments.
- Technical Proficiency: Demonstrated proficiency in Python, Django, and other related web development technologies.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Web Backend Development. Feel free to reach out to me:
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: Adarsh P Baiju