- India
E-Commerce Public
A platform with full user authentication, where a user can signup as a seller or buyer, & sell or buy from a wide variety of fashion-related products.
LinkedIn-clone Public
A SPA using React JS & DJango, where user can create account & seek jobs as well as create jobs!
YoutubeVideoDatabase Public
A SPA made using React JS that allows user to fetch videos from Youtube's API.
TheWitchGame Public
Checkout the game : https://adityapratap2001.github.io/TheWitchGame/
JS_Animations Public
Animations : https://adityapratap2001.github.io/JS_Animations/
Portfolio Public
Portfolio : https://adityapratap2001.github.io/Portfolio/
Dictionary_App Public
This app fetches data from an API and provides the meaning and an audio object for the pronunciation of the term entered by user.
React_ImageDatabase Public
Allows user to Search for specific images from 10000+ images from the Unsplash API.
React_BreakingBadAPI Public
This app provides you the information of all the characters from the popular series "The Breaking Bad".
DiceThrow Public
Just a simple game implementing JavaScript
bunker Public
Forked from abhay-111/bunkerto make a website helping groups of friends meet each other daily easily