This repository introduces a Big Data solution designed for ingesting educational video data into HDFS. The system performs image processing operations on these videos and provides a user-friendly web interface for visualizing valuable insights. The project aims to support teachers in enhancing the educational experience by offering a comprehensive platform for video analysis and insights.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Go to the directory and create a new network
docker network create SmartEdu-network
creating a network serves to establish a communication bridge between Docker containers
- run the container
docker-compose up
- in a terminal execute this commande that enable to access to the backend container shell
docker exec -it SmartEdu_backend /bin/bash
then execute this to launch zookeeper server
/usr/local/kafka/bin/ /usr/local/kafka/config/
- in another terminale execute:
docker exec -it SmartEdu_backend /bin/bash
then launch kafka server
/usr/local/kafka/bin/ /usr/local/kafka/config/
- To stop the containers use
docker-compose down
in the cloned repository.
Inside hdfs the video will be in /kafka_output