KitHack Public
Hacking tools pack & backdoors generator.
mimikatz Public
Forked from gentilkiwi/mimikatzA little tool to play with Windows security
C UpdatedDec 9, 2020 -
hyperblog Public
Forked from freddier/hyperblogUn blog increíble para el curso de Git y Github de Platzi
HTML UpdatedOct 31, 2020 -
cittz Public
CITTZ fue hecho principalmente para recuperar tus claves de wifi en segundos!
GO-INSTALL es un script en python que facilita la instalación y configuración del lenguaje golang, también ofrece la opción de actualizar y desinstalar.
GEN-SSH Public
Generador de servidores ssh locales y públicos.
shields Public
Forked from badges/shieldsConcise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
JavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedOct 3, 2020 -
metasploit-framework Public
Forked from rapid7/metasploit-frameworkMetasploit Framework
Ruby Other UpdatedSep 25, 2020 -
Termux-Apktool Public
Forked from oxygenfox/Termux-ApktoolThis apktool is working with Hax4us openjdk-8-jre without any issue...
java Public
Forked from Hax4us/javaThis package of java (openjdk) is specially for termux users (without rooted phone) But it is unstable or beta version and I will update it soon with stable one
router-kill Public
Forked from byteSalgado/router-killAttacks for Router tool
msfpayload Public
Forked from byteSalgado/msfpayloadCreacion de puertas traseras (backdoors) para Metasploit-framework
Shell UpdatedSep 14, 2020 -
HiddenEye Public
Forked from hanshaze/fishModern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality And Multiple Tunnelling Services [ Android-Support-Available ]
BloodySea Public
Revolutionary Phishing Tool, result of collaboration. By developers of SocialFish and HiddenEye
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 11, 2020 -
apktool Public
Forked from canxx99/apktoolAs a solution to Android apktool problem
1 UpdatedAug 10, 2020 -
PlaystoreDownloader Public
Forked from ClaudiuGeorgiu/PlaystoreDownloaderA command line tool to download Android applications directly from the Google Play Store by specifying their package name (an initial one-time configuration is required)
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2020 -
hackingtool Public
Forked from Z4nzu/hackingtoolALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
SpyTrojan_Keylogger Public
Forked from Aaronmaiden666/SpyTrojan_Keylogger[Solo para programadores] Troyano espía | Keylogger solo para Windows, se replica en el sistema y se inicia automaticamente al iniciar sesión. | Envío de registro mediante [Base de Datos], [Gmail] …
sherlock Public
Forked from sherlock-project/sherlock🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
seeker Public
Forked from thewhiteh4t/seekerAccurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
host Public
Forked from htr-tech/hostExpose your LocalHost with this tool