Well, Its been quite some time since I switched to linux. I had been delaying it for long but atlast it caught up with me kek.
So here are the configs, they are from various sources, I shall try my Best to cite as many as I can, forgive and drop me a mail if I fail to do the same.
You are from here on forth free to use it as you want, just dont expect ay warranty or anything. It works for me, if it doesn't I can try helping but again thats not my responsibility.
These are from various sources, so many that I dont even remember those on top of my head.
So without a further ado,
- WM: i3-gapps
- TERMiNAL: Termite, Alacritty and Tilix.
- MUSIC: mpd+ncmpcpp, cmus
- VISUALISER: vis, ncmpcpp's inbuilt visualiser
- BARS: Bumblebee (default solzarized), Tint2 (minima)
- BROWSERS: Chrmoium, Firefox, Min
- EDITOR: Neo-vim with Modifications
- THEME: Ant-Nebula
- FONT: Noto Sans
- SHELL: ZSH+Oh-my-zsh
- ZSH THEME: powerlevel10k
- CAT Alternative: bat
- Compositor: Compton+kawase blur fork
- Add conkies config
- Add tint2 configs
- Add termite configs
- Create installation script
- Add mpd.conf, ncmpcpp config
- Add .bashrc + .zshrc
- Add custom scripts
- pewpew :D
Starter pack, base configs and built everything from scratch on this. Base Config
Really Awesome Neovim configs Neovim