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Keybind Guide

Ryan Miller edited this page Jul 18, 2021 · 1 revision

#Keybind Guide

NOTE: If a keybind isn't working, try using ctrl in place of shift. Eg. Instead of shift + up try ctrl + up. I'm honestly not sure why this happens, but I've found when using it in an OBS browser source shift is replaced with ctrl for the keybinds, I think this is either an OBS issue or a windows issue.

  • You can change any keybind by going to js/keybinds.js and changing the respective keybind as defined in the top definition block (NOTE: the keybind table on the page will update with any changes as it is dynamic, check the table to see if your keybinds are shown.):
//BINDS             1           2     Non-Shift
hidebuttons =   ['shift+h',     '',     'h']        //Hide/Unhide buttons
hideeye =       ['shift+e',     '',     'e']        //Hide/Unhide eye button
adddestiny =    ['shift+=',     '+',    '=']        //Add destiny point
removedestiny = ['shift+-',     '_',    '-']        //Remove destiny point
fliptolight =   ['shift+up',    '',     'up']       //Flip dark side point to light
fliptodark =    ['shift+down',  '',     'down']     //Flip light side point to dark

For advanced usage: each keybind is defined by the first argument of the Mousetrap.bind() function. See the documentation for Mousetrap.js. In the case of the below example, you can change the keybind for adding a destiny point by changing plus to another key (eg. q) or a key combination (eg. shift+q).

adddestiny =    ['plus','=','']
//Adds a destiny point to the tracker
Mousetrap.bind(adddestiny[0], function(e) {
    return false;
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