dm-uva-courses Public
Data Mining course project on UVA website
pgm-stereo Public
stereo matching using pgm inference methods
EV-FlowNet Public
Forked from daniilidis-group/EV-FlowNetEV-FlowNet: Self-Supervised Optical Flow for Event-based Cameras
Python Other UpdatedFeb 15, 2022 -
stot Public
STOT: Single-Target Object Tracking using particle and Kalman filters [with a bonus multi-target].
animated-covers Public
A computer vision project to find book covers in a video and replace them with animated trailers.
cfg-to-pda Public
Context free grammar to pushdown automaton convertor, along with string parser - Theory of Languages and Machines project, spring 2020
CV-Codelets Public
A series of various spatial image processing algorithms for Fundamentals of Computer Vision course (Fall 2021)
MicroMario Public
C implementation of the classic game for stm32f303 - Microcontrollers and Assembly Language project, spring 2021
movie-genre-calssifier Public
Determining movie genres based on synopses, using various NLP methods.
events_contrast_maximization Public
Forked from TimoStoff/events_contrast_maximizationA python library for contrast maximization and voxel creation using events
Python UpdatedJun 20, 2021 -
CI-Digits Public
A study in K-Means clustering and MLP methods for digit recognition and classification.
ash Public
A bash shell program for simple commands
antlr-parser Public
ANTLR-based parser for a simple programming language. (Theory of Languages and Machines project, spring 2020)
controllerdetector Public
Use a home-made steering wheel to control your games!