TensorFlow-Tutorials Public
Forked from nlintz/TensorFlow-TutorialsSimple tutorials using Google's TensorFlow Framework
Python UpdatedNov 16, 2015 -
Data-Science-and-ML-Essentials Public
Forked from peranti/Data-Science-and-ML-EssentialsMIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2015 -
nn-from-scratch Public
Forked from dennybritz/nn-from-scratchImplementing a Neural Network from Scratch
UpdatedSep 4, 2015 -
openintro-statistics Public
Forked from OpenIntroStat/openintro-statisticsAn open-source textbook written at the college level. OpenIntro also offers a second college-level intro stat textbook and also a high school variant.
TeX Other UpdatedAug 30, 2015 -
TaskBoard Public
Forked from kiswa/TaskBoardA Kanban-inspired app for keeping track of things that need to get done. (Don't forget to read the Wiki page!)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2015 -
openintro-r-package Public
Forked from OpenIntroStat/openintroR Package: openintro
R UpdatedJun 22, 2015 -
nupic Public
Forked from numenta/nupic-legacyNumenta Platform for Intelligent Computing: a brain-inspired machine intelligence platform, and biologically accurate neural network based on cortical learning algorithms.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 22, 2015 -
rep Public
Forked from yandex/repMachine Learning toolbox for Humans
Python Other UpdatedMay 22, 2015 -
scikit-learn Public
Forked from scikit-learn/scikit-learnscikit-learn: machine learning in Python
Python Other UpdatedMay 22, 2015 -
pylearn2 Public
Forked from lisa-lab/pylearn2A Machine Learning library based on Theano
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 21, 2015 -
mlxtend Public
Forked from rasbt/mlxtendA library of extension and helper modules for Python's data analysis and machine learning libraries.
Python Other UpdatedMay 21, 2015 -
machine-learning-samples Public
Forked from aws-samples/machine-learning-samplesSample applications built using Amazon Machine Learning.
Python Other UpdatedMay 13, 2015 -
milk Public
Forked from luispedro/milkMILK: Machine Learning Toolkit
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2015 -
Rapid Machine Learning Prototyping in Python
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 7, 2015 -
Python-Regex_01 Public
Forked from deepakramanath/Python-Regex-01Regular expression tutorials using Python
Python UpdatedMay 6, 2015 -
spaCy Public
Forked from explosion/spaCyIndustrial strength NLP with Python and Cython
Python Other UpdatedApr 30, 2015 -
awesome-R Public
Forked from qinwf/awesome-RA curated list of awesome R frameworks, packages and software.
R UpdatedApr 29, 2015 -
data-science-from-scratch Public
Forked from joelgrus/data-science-from-scratchcode for Data Science From Scratch book
Python The Unlicense UpdatedApr 29, 2015 -
practice_assignment Public
Forked from derekfranks/practice_assignmentPractice assignment for the R programming class on Coursera
UpdatedApr 8, 2015 -
modulepackage Public
Forked from dabeaz/modulepackageMaterials for PyCon2015 Tutorial "Modules and Packages : Live and Let Die"
Python UpdatedApr 7, 2015 -
Bootstrap-edX Public
Forked from tforsberg/Bootstrap-edXWork for Bootstrap edX course
JavaScript UpdatedApr 6, 2015 -
coursera Public
Forked from coursera-dl/coursera-dlScript for downloading Coursera.org videos and naming them.
HTML GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 29, 2015 -
gapminder Public
Forked from jennybc/gapminderExcerpt from the Gapminder data, as an R data package and in plain text delimited form
R UpdatedMar 17, 2015 -
dagdata Public
Forked from genomicsclass/dagdataData for the HarvardX courses: PH525x
R UpdatedFeb 25, 2015 -
labs Public
Forked from genomicsclass/labsScripts for HarvardX courses: PH525x
R MIT License UpdatedFeb 18, 2015 -
rmr2 Public
Forked from RevolutionAnalytics/rmr2A package that allows R developer to use Hadoop MapReduce
Python UpdatedFeb 14, 2015 -
RHadoop Public
Forked from RevolutionAnalytics/RHadoopRHadoop - [email protected]
UpdatedFeb 14, 2015