If you're interested in a fully functioning FIFA 14 Autobuyer or FIFA 14 Coin selling website then be sure to drop me an email at [email protected] or add me on skype : bws-curtis
define("CLASSES", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/classes");
require CLASSES."/Guzzle/guzzle.phar";
require CLASSES."/connector.php";
require CLASSES."/eahashor.php";
require CLASSES."/searchor.php";
$loginDetails = array(
"username" => $email,
"password" => $password,
"hash" => $hash,
"platform" => "xbox360",
$con = new Connector($loginDetails);
$connection = $con->connect();
This will return the session and token information used to make Search and Bid calls. It will be returned in an array with the following layout:
$loginResponse = array(
"nucleusId" => $nucleusId,
"userAccounts" => $userAccounts,
"sessionId" => $sessionId,
"phishingToken" => $phishingToken,
"cookies" => $cookiePlugin,
"platform" => $this->_loginDetails['platform']
These can be used by grabbing the array key like so:
$nucID = $loginResponse['nucleusId'];