Welcome to the Dice Game, one of the popular game on Stake. This gambling app allow user to bet amount on the outcome range.
- Simple Gameplay: Place your bet and select the range to see if you win.
- Provably Fair: Our dice rolls are generated using a fair algorithm ensuring randomness and fairness.
- Customizable Bets: Adjust your bet amount and potential win multipliers.
- User-Friendly Interface: Clean and intuitive design for a seamless user experience.
- Wallet Management: Easily manage your betting funds with a built-in wallet system.
- Razorpay Wallet Integration: Store and manage money in your wallet securely using Razorpay.
Client: React, Material UI and dasiy UI TailwindCSS
Database: PostgreSQL with Prisma
Server: Node, Express
Payment Gateway: Razorpay for handling transactions and storing money in user wallets.
State Management: Zustand for managing global state.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Agastya18/gambling-stake.git
Go to the project directory
cd gambling-stake
Install dependencies in both frondend and backend
npm install
replace the .env-sample with .env
Go to root and run
npm run dev
Go to frondend and run
npm run dev
d368723 (add cronjob)
d368723 (add cronjob)
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any bugs or features.