Web 版 Java Payload 生成与利用工具,提供 Java 反序列化、Hessian 1/2 反序列化等Payload生成,以及 JNDI、Fake Mysql、JRMPListener 等利用|The web version of Java Payload generation and utilization tool provides Payload generation su…
MySQL Fake Server (纯Java实现,支持GUI版和命令行版,提供Dockerfile,支持多种常见JDBC利用)
This tool generates gopher link for exploiting SSRF and gaining RCE in various servers
GitHub项目监控 && CodeQL自动扫描 (GitHub project monitoring && CodeQL automatic analysis)
darkPulse是一个用go编写的shellcode Packer,用于生成各种各样的shellcode loader,免杀火绒,360核晶等国内常见杀软。
80+ Gadgets(30 More than ysoserial). JNDI-Injection-Exploit-Plus is a tool for generating workable JNDI links and provide background services by starting RMI server,LDAP server and HTTP server.
JNDI注入测试工具(A tool which generates JNDI links can start several servers to exploit JNDI Injection vulnerability,like Jackson,Fastjson,etc)
Packer Fuzzer is a fast and efficient scanner for security detection of websites constructed by javascript module bundler such as Webpack.
KCon is a famous Hacker Con powered by Knownsec Team.
Getting started with java code auditing 代码审计入门的小项目
Scan for sensitive information easily and effectively.