faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University
- Alexandria, Egypt
(UTC +02:00) - in/eng-ahmed-hesham24
- http://www.medium.com/@ahmedhesham122000
- https://hashnode.com/@AH2000
URL_Shortener Public
SAH Shortener is a URL-shortening website that provides users with a simple and efficient way to shorten and manage URLs. Built with a lightweight front-end and a robust Java Spring Boot back-end, …
Java UpdatedFeb 5, 2025 -
Hotels_Scraper Public
A Python-based web scraper and Flask API for extracting hotel data from Booking.com. Features include detailed room information, amenities, and JSON export functionality. Perfect for travel data an…
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2025 -
chess Public
A console-based chess game in C, supporting two-player gameplay, move validation, undo/redo, and saving/loading progress. The project includes logic for check, checkmate, and draw conditions, with …
C MIT License UpdatedJan 29, 2025 -
Simple-News-Analyzer Public
Sentiment Analysis Web App analyzes the sentiment of online articles using the MeaningCloud API. It provides insights into polarity, subjectivity, and extracts key snippets for each sentiment case.…
JavaScript UpdatedJan 23, 2025 -
Unix_Tools Public
This repository contains custom-built implementations of popular Unix command-line tools, including cat, wc, and others soon. Each tool resides in its own directory with source code and detailed do…
C UpdatedDec 27, 2024 -
ML_model_deployment Public
The HR Analytics: Job Change Predictor is a Flask-based web application that uses machine learning to predict whether an employee will stay with a company or leave. It allows users to train models,…
HTML UpdatedDec 25, 2024 -
Simple-Weather_application Public
Weather Journal App A simple web application that allows users to log their feelings alongside weather data retrieved from the OpenWeatherMap API. Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js/Exp…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2024 -
Hangman-Game Public
A terminal-based Hangman game built with Python. Player 2 tries to guess the hidden word before running out of chances and being hanged.
Python UpdatedOct 22, 2024 -
Compression-Alg Public
A simple implementation for different Encoding Algorithms (Huffman, Arithmeic , LZW) algorithms to encrypt and decrypt the files
HtmlParser Public
Javacc project: convert a simple language with specific grammar into HTML code
Java UpdatedApr 29, 2024 -
PRODIGY_ML_01 Public
A simple linear regression model for predicting price of houses based on their attribtues
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 14, 2024 -
PRODIGY_ML_02 Public
The Second Task for Prodigy intership, The task is to Create a K-means clustering algorithm to group customers of a retail store based on their purchase history.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 11, 2024