AskMe is a Q&A program with threads provided. There are two main menus: one for sign up & log in users, and second for running the features. Program Implemented totally using C++. It uses two csv files for saving data of users & questions. Program now is in a stable condition, although it will be enhanced more at the future.
Ask: You can ask a question to any user
Threads: You can make a thread if the parent question answered
Anonymous Questions: You can ask anonymous questions
Answer: You can answer questions to you
Recieving Anonymous Questions Control: You can choose to accept anonymous questions or not
Print Questions To You
Print Question From You
Feed: Printing the latest questions asked by users
List Users: Printing users in the system
Delete A Question: You can delete a question from/to you
Delete Your Account
User: A record for user information
UsersManager: The manager of Users that can add, edit, and delete a user
Question: A record for question information
QuesManager: The manager of Questions that can add, answer, and delete a question
Program: The class that run the whole program. It has current user, usersManager, and QuesManager. It’s capable of link them correctly to run features with ease
gpm: General Properties & Methods.
09 C++ OOD and OOP - OOP Part 1 Projects
Arabic Competitive Programming