Hi 👋, I'm Aidan Hamilton Welcome to my GitHub profile~ 📝About Me📝 Name: Aidan Hamilton Gender: Male Education: College Undergraduate Language: English/American Sign Language Interests: You~, Art, Math, Physics, and Embedded System development Loves: Anime/Breathing Fun Fact: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English language Editors: Nvim(Astrovim)/Visual Studio Code/Visual Studio/Android Studio/Arduino IDE ⚡Currently working on⚡ ❤Reverse Engineering Windows Applications using IDA & GHIDRA. ✨x86 & MIPS Assembly. ✨Unreal Engine Game Development. ✨Windows 10 Exploits. 🤝Previously worked on🤝 ✨FRC. ❤ team 4610 for Rapid React 2022❤ ❤ Languages & Tools ❤ 💖 Thanks for reading 💖