Tags: AirHelp/signature-pad
Toggle 2.5.3's commit message
Merge remote-tracking branch 'nspatlik/nspatilk-patch-1' into gh-pages
Toggle v2.5.6's commit message
Merge pull request #1 from AirHelp/jedrula-patch-1
blur input elements every time signature pad gets focus
Toggle v2.5.5's commit message
no real changes
bump up version before creating a release to fix problems with installing via bower intall
Toggle v2.5.4's commit message
bump up again with no real changes
commit to try to resolve issues with installing 2.5.3 tag
Toggle v2.5.3's commit message
bum up version PATCH for fixed blur
Toggle v2.5.2's commit message
Committed and tag most recent pull request.
Toggle v2.5.1's commit message
Fixed a bug related to trim() for IE8.
Toggle v2.5.0's commit message
Updated: The version and the changelog.
Toggle v2.4.2's commit message
Toggle v2.4.1's commit message
Updated: Bumped the version and appended to the change log.
You can’t perform that action at this time.