This is a Cpp library of some tricks and what I survey on.
Not under a common namespace, because the components are loosely connected.
- sn_Alg: some algorithms
- sn_AOP: a simple AOP frame
- sn_Assist: some general assist template/functions
- sn_Binary: support binary operation
- sn_Builtin: a class support pointer (pointer_reference/intrusive_pointer/shared_ptr) and reference (reference_counter)
- sn_DB: a wrapper of MySQL C API
- sn_DBP: a MySQL connection pool
- sn_Decimal: a big integer library
- sn_DS: some data structures
- sn_Filesystem: support filesystem-related
- sn_Function: support curry/combine/lazy evaluation of functions | support chain/pipeline operation
- sn_JSON: a class support json
- sn_LC: support lambda-calculus / combinators / lib funcs / high-order sugar
- sn_LCEncoding: support lambda-calculus encoding (Church/Scott/Bohem/SKI/BCKW...)
- sn_LINQ: support LINQ
- sn_Log: a log class
- sn_Macro: some macros
- sn_PIC: pi-calculus
- sn_PC: a realization of parser combinator
- sn_PD: parsing derivative (CFG)
- sn_PIC: support pi-calculus
- sn_PM: type-level pattern-matching and function restriction (Haskell-style) and runtime pattern-matching
- sn_Range: support range
- sn_Reflection: two realizations of reflection (magic_get/unnamed_pod_reflect && named_reflect/typeless)
- sn_Regex: RegexD: derivative + NFA(recusive-down) | RegexT: parsec no parser | RegexV: NFA + DFA no parser
- sn_SM: state machine
- sn_StdStream: add more function with std::iostream
- sn_Stream: support basic/memory/file stream
- sn_String: a class dealing with string
- sn_TC: support type-calculus (+compile-time polynomial addition/multiplication)
- sn_TEST: support testing and contract
- sn_Thread: support thread-related
- sn_Type: support type-erasing types.
- sn_TypeLisp: support TypeList operation | Lisp 7 axioms (cons/car/cdr/cond/quote/atom/eq)
- sn_TypeTraits: some interesting code in STL and support type traits