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Welcome to JuliaGPs

JuliaGPs is an organisation interested in making Gaussian process models work well in the Julia programming language. A lot of us use Gaussian processes in our research, or do methodological research on Gaussian processes.

If you're new to the organisation, you should develop an understanding of the core packages:

  1. KernelFunctions.jl
  2. AbstractGPs.jl
  3. ApproximateGPs.jl

ApproximateGPs depends on AbstractGPs and KernelFunctions, and AbstractGPs dependends on KernelFunctions, so it's best to develop and understanding of these packages in the above order. These core packages are maintained jointly by all org members, and we try to ensure that they work well and are of a high standard. Consequently, you should expect to recieve good support when working with them, for example you should expect prompt responses when you open issues / pull requests.

You'll notice a variety of other packages in this organisation. These are all packages which depend on the above core packages in some way or another. Often they're developed by an org member to support their personal research agenda. They generally only have 1 or 2 maintainers, so you should expect a lower level of support.

Popular repositories Loading

  1. engine engine Public

    Forked from AKIN2022/engine

    The Flutter engine


  2. xbar xbar Public

    Forked from AKIN2022/xbar

    Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)


  3. vector vector Public

    Forked from vectordotdev/vector

    A high-performance observability data pipeline.


  4. Public

    Forked from mat-0/

    A blog hosted on GitHub available at The site uses Jekyll, a static site generator, on Ruby. DNS and SSL by Cloudflare. It also uses GitHub actions, GitHub issues, and Python for exte…


  5. Public

    Forked from mat-0/

    A blog hosted on GitHub available at The site uses Jekyll, a static site generator, on Ruby. DNS and SSL by Cloudflare. It also uses GitHub actions, GitHub issues, and Python for exte…


  6. vscode-shellcheck vscode-shellcheck Public

    Forked from vscode-shellcheck/vscode-shellcheck

    Integrates ShellCheck into VS Code, a linter for Shell scripts.



Showing 10 of 21 repositories


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