Discord bot to replicate the gentle reminders provided by Games and Play's slackbot.
The purpose of Iwazaru is informing people which words are hurtful- slurs, for example.
🙊 will appear on the messages in question. Clicking on it will cause the bot to post to the chat, and it will mention what word/s triggered it plus alternatives to use instead.
There is nothing inherently wrong with triggering the bot, and some of the words it reacts to can be contextually acceptable (for example, using "guys" to exclusively refer to men).
There are some grey areas such as reclaiming slurs, so use common sense here- if you are not a part of the marginalized group, you cannot reclaim the slurs pertaining to it.
We also must understand that words reclaimed in a marginalized group may still hurt others who reside there too, but it's important we're free to identify how we please. In these cases, a middle ground may need to be reached.
The bot exists simply to ask you to reflect on your word choices, and will never moderate or punish people for activating it.
To invite to your server, use the following invite link.