This project is for testing Gloo Edge 1.14.x
integration with Vault (as a general K/V secret store) and as a CA for issuing certificates. Certificates will be issued by cert-manager using Vault as the CA. Generated certs will be stored as Kubernetes secrets.
Uses the base bootstrapping project to deploy the EKS infra and Gloo Edge.
Deploy GE bootstrapping project
mkdir -p ._output git clone ._output/gloo-edge-1-14 export CLUSTER_OWNER="akshay" export PROJECT="gloo-ee-vault-integration" export CLOUD_PROVIDER="eks" export EKS_CLUSTER_REGION=ap-southeast-2 export DOMAIN_NAME=testing.development.internal export GLOO_EDGE_HELM_VERSION=1.15.0-beta2-bcheck-multiple-secrets-api-5d4d647 export GLOO_EDGE_VERSION=v${GLOO_EDGE_HELM_VERSION} export CERT_MANAGER_VERSION="v1.11.2" export VAULT_VERSION="0.24.1" export GLOO_EDGE_LICENSE_KEY="<value>" ._output/gloo-edge-1-14/cluster-provision/scripts/ create -n $PROJECT -o $CLUSTER_OWNER -a 3 -v 1.25 -r $EKS_CLUSTER_REGION
Install Gloo Edge
helm repo add gloo-test
helm repo update
helm install gloo-test gloo-test/gloo -n gloo-system --version 1.15.0-beta2-bcheck-multiple-secrets-api-5d4d647 --create-namespace --set-string license_key=${GLOO_EDGE_LICENSE_KEY} -f gloo-edge-override-helm-values.yaml
Install Sample App
kubectl create ns apps kubectl apply -f apps/deploy-petstore.yaml
Install vault on kubernetes.
For reference you can follow
helm repo add hashicorp kubectl create namespace vault helm install vault hashicorp/vault --values vault-values.yaml -n vault
Run the following set of commands to configure Vault to issue certs.
kubectl port-forward po/vault-0 -n vault 8200:8200 export VAULT_ADDR="" export VAULT_TOKEN="root" vault secrets enable pki vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=8760h pki vault write pki/root/generate/internal \ common_name=test.gloo \ ttl=8760h vault write pki/config/urls \ issuing_certificates="http://vault.vault.svc:8200/v1/pki/ca" \ crl_distribution_points="http://vault.vault.svc:8200/v1/pki/crl" vault write pki/roles/test-dot-com \ allowed_domains=test.gloo \ allow_subdomains=true \ require_cn=false \ max_ttl=72h vault policy write pki - <<EOF path "pki*" { capabilities = ["read", "list"] } path "pki/sign/test-dot-com" { capabilities = ["create", "update"] } path "pki/issue/test-dot-com" { capabilities = ["create"] } EOF
Install Cert Manager
kubectl apply -f
Application configuration
kubectl create ns apps-configuration
kubectl apply -f configuration
- Make changes to Gloo Edge settings
kubectl --namespace gloo-system edit settings default
Modify settings to remove kubernetesSecretSource: {} and then add below at the same level the removed line was indented
- vault:
accessToken: root
address: http://vault.vault.svc:8200
- kubernetes: {}
If using AWS Auth you can give the same options under the vault option above as described in this link
- Testing
curl -kiv -H "Host: cert.test.gloo" https://$(kubectl get svc gateway-proxy -n gloo-system -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')/get-pets
- Clean up
._output/gloo-edge-1-14/cluster-provision/scripts/ delete -n $PROJECT -o $CLUSTER_OWNER -r $EKS_CLUSTER_REGION