[ICCV 2019] Monocular depth estimation from a single image
ORB-SLAM3-Monodepth is an extended version of ORB-SLAM3 that utilizes a deep monocular depth estimation network
Repository of the CVPR18 paper "Event-based Vision meets Deep Learning on Steering Prediction for Self-driving Cars"
This extended Kalman filter combines IMU, GNSS, and LIDAR measurements to localize a vehicle using data from the CARLA simulator.
Self-Driving Cars SP2 Weekly Assignment 2
This project aims to enhance vehicle pose estimation for autonomous driving systems using the YOLOv8 deep learning model. The model is fine-tuned on the CarFusion dataset and further improved with …
Extended Kalman filter for estimating the position of a vehicle along a trajectory using available measurements and a motion model
Estimation of vehicle and obstacles positions using Extended Kalman and Particle filters
A pseudo-3D mini-game based on a 4-wheel Ackermann car steering model developed by Pygame, combining mobile robotics and computer vision.
A ROS wrapper for ORB-SLAM3. Focus on portability and flexibility.
robot_localization is a package of nonlinear state estimation nodes. The package was developed by Charles River Analytics, Inc. Please ask questions on
A Modular Framework for LiDAR-based Lifelong Mapping
A ROS2 Humble package natively implementing ORB-SLAM3 V1.0 VSLAM framework
Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM