A dummy repository to let other learn how to behave with git. It's just a short-form record. :)
- গিট ব্যবহারের একেবারে প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান পর্ব ১ - tuts nano (Bengali :
) - গিট ব্যবহারের একেবারে প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান পর্ব ২ - tuts nano (Bengali :
) - গিট দিয়ে ভার্ষন নিয়ন্ত্রণ - git branch- tuts nano (Bengali :
Download and Install.
- A successful Git branching model by Vincent Driessen (January 05, 2010)
PDF: Cheatsheet - training.github.com
git config --global user.name "Someone"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
mkdir GitTest
cd GitTest # enter the project directory
git init # initiate git
touch README (mate README?)
git add README # stage the file and its changes
git commit -m "first commit message" # commit with a message
git remote add origin https://github.com/try-git/try_git.git # HTTP origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:the_user/g.git # SSH origin
cd existingrepository
git remote add origin [email protected]:the_user/g.git
git push -u origin master # push local commits to the cloud
git remote -v # a list of a Git project's remotes
git fetch # fetch server changes to local repo *(but do nothing)*
git merge origin/master # merge the fetched changes to the master
git fetch && git log ..origin/master # fetch server changes, and show the commit message
git log -p HEAD..FETCH_HEAD # fetch server changes, show differences local-vs-remote
git pull # get and merge all the server changes
git show HEAD # see the HEAD commit
git checkout HEAD <file> # restore the file to the last commit
git reset HEAD <file> # unstage that file from the staging area
git reset 5d69206 # rewind to the specified SHA commit *(first 7 chars. of the 40 char SHA code)*
git commit -m "Something terribly misguided"
git reset --soft HEAD~ # back to the stage as it were before committing
git add
git commit
git tag -a v1.2 9fceb02 # mark with tag to a specific commit
git tag # show the list of tags
git push origin --tags # push all the tags to remote server
git tag -d v1.2 # delete the tag specified, locally
git push origin :v1.2 # delete the tag on remote server by sending empty tag
git stash # store changes in a dummy local storage
git stash list # check the stashed dummy commits
git stash show -p stash@{1} # show the second stash item
git stash pop # apply the stashed data
git stash clear # clear all the stashed dummy commits
git branch # Check the branches
git branch <branch_name> # Make a new branch
git checkout <branch_name> # Get to the new branch
git checkout master # Get back to the master branch
git checkout -b <branch_name> # Shorthand: Create new branch and move onto it
git push origin <branch_name> # push your branch up, to the remote, origin
git merge <branch_name> # Being in `master` merging new branch to `master`
git branch -d <branch_name> # Delete local branch
git push origin :<remote_branch_name> # Delete a remote branch
## Show differences between two file over two branches
git diff <branch1>:<file_name.ext> <branch2>:<file_name.ext>
git difftool <branch1>:<file_name.ext> <branch2>:<file_name.ext> # If Git DiffTool is configured
## Merge a specific file or bunch of files from another branch
git checkout <branch1> # First, get to the secondary branch
git checkout <branch2> <path_to_file>/<file_name.ext>
git commit -m "Merged a file from Primary branch"
git --bare init # instead of init it will create a base, not a repo
git remote add origin file:////pc65/test-directory # local access to the folder required