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Robot's Limb MATLAB/Simulink Modeling and Control. URDF to DH conversion. Manipulability analysis


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MATLAB | Simulink | robotics-toolbox | Legged Robot | Modeling and Control | URDF to DH

This Repository contains the MATLAB code and Simulink scheme for modeling and control of LIMBERO+GRIEEL, a legged robot prototype of Space Robotics Lab (SRL), Tohoku University.

This is a "sequel" of my work at SRL as a research student, for my Master's thesis at Politecnico di Milano.
At SRL I updated the ROS 2 software and implemented stability algorithms.
Now I'm working on modeling and performance analysis of an alternative control structure.


In the previous episode:

The software I used at SRL is written in C++ and is based on ROS 2 for communication and control.
The robot joint controllers are implemented using ros2_control, and the simulation is based on Gazebo Classic.
For the tuning of the joint_trajectory_controller and the refinement of robot URDF, I take an iterative tuning approach.

Some of my tasks as a member of the SRL Rover Team have been:

  • Update the C++ nodes for high/low-level control, with 3 additional joints in each limb (new end-effector transformable module)
  • Update the XACRO description to make the robot reconfigurable (use launch arguments to choose end-effector mode).
  • Retune URDF parameters to make the Gazebo simulation more reliable (friction, dumping, Gazebo tags, etc..)
  • Write a Python node to collect in a CSV the synchronized joint trajectory tracking data, then a Python script to analyze control performance with matplotlib
  • Update ros2_control configuration, and retune the joint controller PID gains
  • According to support polygon stability theory, implement an algorithm for base positioning and end-effector module transformation.
  • Retune DYNAMIXEL servomotors with Dynamixel Wizard, by trial and error.
  • Update DYNAMIXEL Servomotors PID gains from a CSV, in a C++ node (controlling the servomotors)
  • Set up the software to open/close the Gripper-Wheel module, with proper timing.
  • Set up the Robot and do experiments on the real Hardware.
    (Accounting for Motor torque limitations, by compensation with a pulley system)

In the next episode:

Because of the lack of a model-based rigorous control tuning, I took a different approach.
Also, to provide better insight into the algorithm performances, a different modeling of the leg based on DH is taken.
With this model, I attempt to define new useful performance indices.

Given the robot URDF:

  • Convert URDF into Denvit Hartemberg model, and define it in the robotics-toolbox as a SerialLink
    (Notice, I didn't use the MATLAB Robotics System Toolbox, but the previous version of Peter Corke toolbox. I took this choice because using rigidBodyTree for dynamic simulation is computationally demanding)
  • Single limb dynamic model identification
  • Tune independent joint controllers for the robot leg
  • Performance analysis of the model-based controller gains, and gain correction if needed.
  • Implement a gravity compensation algorithm (then include it in ROS 2).
  • Expand to 4-legs simulation and control
  • Define new performance index for legged-robots
  • Analyze the quality of some base postures, using defined indices
  • Implement the new joint controllers in ROS 2, and simulate using Gazebo.

Brief Implementation Description


    Step 1: URDF to DH

    To better handle the robot joint controllers and model identification, I take the main xacro file and convert it into a single URDF.
    Be sure to have the proper package installed

    sudo apt install ros-<distro>-xacro

    Then you can run the command for conversion:

    xacro robot.xacro -o robot.urdf

    Then, after defining an equivalent DH frame description, I identify the DH parameters from the URDF rigidBodyTree object created in the MATLAB script.
    At this point, I can initialize the robot leg as a SerialLink object.

    Take a look at the MATLAB script (commented as clear as possible) for all the passages.

    ... README WIP ...

    Step 2: Dynamic parameter Identification

    (Already implemented in MATLAB)

    Step 3: Control Tuning

    (Already done for the servomotor model, independent joint controller)


    (Simulink scheme implemented)


    (Not yet implemented ... check if the dynamic simulation of the closed-kinematic chain is feasible with some SerialLink connection)


    (Some tests done for single limb, soon extension for legged closed chain structure)


    (code implemented, controller gains adjustment and correction needed for stability)


Robot's Limb MATLAB/Simulink Modeling and Control. URDF to DH conversion. Manipulability analysis








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