Validation artefacts for the European eInvoicing standard EN 16931
A comprehensive 10-page probability cheatsheet that covers a semester's worth of introduction to probability.
🫁 The world's first open-source ventilator tested on human patients. Mass-producible at a low cost (~2000€).
Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
Aleglise / dhis2-docs
Forked from ASF-inhambane/dhis2docsDHIS2 Documentation
Aleglise / Sozi
Forked from sozi-projects/SoziA presentation tool based on SVG
Aleglise / Sozi-website
Forked from sozi-projects/Sozi-websiteThe website of the Sozi project.
SEO Dashboard using R and ScreamingFrog for Reporting and Monitoring
The Ranking Predictive Tool offers a potential gain of three to five days for SEO projects. It now takes just a few minutes to figure out the right strategy, which in an environment as competitive …
d33d33 / piano-stairs
Forked from bonniee/piano-stairsA project for Astropolis l'Hiver 2016
A tool to transform several formats (CSV, TAB, etc.) to MIABIS XML
MIABIS main project page and documentation repository