This work is an outgrowth of an intensive self-study program in data science and machine learning. The goal is to maintain a collection of tools, illustrative coding samples, and learning resources to augment a formal or self-directed data science 'bootcamp experience.' Enjoy!
** Note: Efforts have been made to include as much open-source content as possible. Feel free to suggest alternatives to paid content, where comparable alternatives exist.
Software Engineering:
- Object Oriented Design Principles
- Software Engineering Design Patterns
- Exception Handling
- Regular Expressions
- Else
Language (Python)
- Style Guide
- Documentation
- Linting
- Logging
- Documenting Projects
- Testing
- Language Deep Dive (Idioms, and more)
- Data Science Specific
- Else
- Packaging Projects
Language (JavaScript)
- Style Guide
- Documentation
- Linting
- Logging
- Documenting Projects
- Testing
- Language Deep Dive (Idioms, and more)
- Else
Web (*Data Science 'Core Web Topics.' Other topics included as boilerplate fullstack content.)
- Tools
- Server-Side Tools/Tech
- Flask*
- NodeJS, Express, Mongoose
- Client-Side Tools/Tech
- HTML*, CSS*, Sass, JSS
- ReactJS
- Bootstrap, Material Design
- Figma
- Server-Side Tools/Tech
- In Practice
- Scraping
- Beautiful Soup
- Apis
- Scraping
- Tools
- Data Structures
- Searching and Sorting
- Heaps
- Trees
- Graphs
- Else
Databases and Libraries
- ORMs
- sqlalchemy
- flask-sqlalchemy
- ORMs
Data Analysis
- pandas
Data Mining
- Scraping
Data Visualization
- matplotlib
- bokeh
- altair
- plotly
- D3js
Scientific Computing
- numpy
- sciPy
Machine Learning
- General:
- scikit-learn
- Deep Learning:
- keras
- tensorflow
- pytorch
- General:
- Circle CI
- Jenkins
- Containers
- Docker
- Container Orchestration
- Docker Swarm
- Kubernetes
- Service Providers and Cloud Services
- Google Cloud
- Else
- More Resources:
- Docker Mastery:
- Devops:
Data and Computing at Scale:
- Spark / PySpark
- Kafka
- Apache Storm
- MapReduce
- Else
- hdf5, ...
- Statistics
- Courses
- Coming soon!
- Texts:
- All of Statistics - Larry Wasserman
- Courses
- Machine Learning
ML Infrastructure and Pragmatics - (A popular high level api for PyTorch (will we see it in Swift?), with top-notch pragmatic courses in deep learning). -
- Udemy:
- Feature Selection:
- Feature Engineering:
- Imbalanced Data:
- Deployment of Machine Learning Models (ml-infra):
- Testing and Monitoring Machine Learning Model Deployments (ml-infra):
- Books:
- Building Machine Learning Powered Applications: Going from Idea to Product - Emmanuel Ameisen (Head of AI at Insight Data Science)
- Machine Learning Yearning (ML Pragmatics with Andrew Ng):
- Udemy:
ML Coursework
- Fundamentals
- CS229 (Andrew Ng): Similar content to the Coursera Machine Learning with Andrew Ng
- Course Website:
- Video Lectures:
- CS230 (Andrew Ng): Similar content to the Coursera specialization with Andrew Ng
- Course Website:
- Video Lectures:
- CS229 (Andrew Ng): Similar content to the Coursera Machine Learning with Andrew Ng
- Deeplearning
- Machine Learning with Andrew Ng (The course that 'started a MOOC revolution'):
- Specialization with Andrew Ng:
- CS231n: Deep Learning for Computer Vision
- Course Website:
- Video Lectures:
- CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- Probabalistic Graphical Models
- Coming soon!
- Fundamentals
- The Deep Learning Textbook (Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville):
A Selection of Useful Blogs
A (Not so Principled Selection of) Noteworthy ML Researchers:
A (non-principled) Selection of Significant Papers:
- LeNet
- AlexNet
- Attention is all you need
Model Implementations
- Model Zoo
Data Sources
- Computer Vision
- Natural Language Processing
- Reinforcement Learning
- Production Demo Pipelines: Scikit-Learn, Keras, Pytorch
- Twitter Sentiment
- Wiki
- Atari Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Business Case Study
- Papers to Code
- Reference Applications and Implementations
- Case Studies
- Interviews
- Business Analytics:
- Metrics
- A/B Testing
* Cheatsheets:
* Documentation:
* Live Content (forumns, blogs, news, etc.)
* Video Tutorials:
* Written Tutorials:
* Video Lectures:
* Notebooks:
* Code Examples:
* Illustrative Projects:
- The wiki and supporting markdown documents require MathJax to display mathematical content appropriately. You can add the extension for Google Chrome here: