Welcome to the Software Development Kit for Parrot Drones Version 3.
It can be used to write applications which control the latest generation of Parrot Drones:
- Bebop Drone
- Rolling Spider
- Jumping Sumo
- Skycontroller
The SDK provides the source code you need to do everything provided by the freeflight 3 application:
- discover the drones on the network
- connect the drones
- send piloting and camera commands
- configure the drones
- get informations (depends on drones capabilities)
- get H264 video stream on bebop
- get MJpeg video stream on Jumping Sumo
- transfer Photos / videos
- update the drones
- handle Drone Academy / Mavlink files
- and everything which pops out of your mind
It's BSD license allows to use, change, distribute with no restriction. Contributions and new feature discussions are highly appreciated.
The latest release version is tagged ARSDK3_version_3_1_0
Please read the install documentation
You can find samples files. These samples will help you to build the interface between products and controllers. Feel free to use and adapt them to your needs.
Please read the license file.