This repo is created for imitation learning Pytorch AlexNet which was a material of AI course in NCTU.
People can use any robot with ROS to predict which is the direction to go next. (omega)
Input = image, omega
Output = 15 classes (['R0' 'R1' 'R2' 'R3' 'R4' 'R5' 'R6' 'S7' 'L8' 'L9' 'L10' 'L11' 'L12' 'L13' 'L14'])
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
- GPU with Nvidia driver >= 384.xx (cuda10.0 or newer)
- Docker
$ cd AlexNet_pytorch
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ jupyter notebook
- Download_dataset.ipynb (Get the dataset)
- Download_models.ipynb (Get the models)
- train-pytorch.ipynb (To start training)
- evaluation-pytorch.ipynb (To evaluate the models)
# RPi3 (duckietown)
$ cd robot-lane-following
$ source #joystick and camera
# On Jetson Nano
$ cd robot-lane-following
$ source
container$ cd nano_ws
container$ catkin_make
container$ source devel/setup.bash
container$ vim ~/.bashrc
# modify "ROS_IP=" to "ROS_IP=$(hostname -I)"
container$ source ~/.bashrc
container$ roslaunch imitation_following pytorch_joy_mapper_node.launch veh:=[car_hostname] model:=[model_name].pth