Merver is a Micro HTTP Server for JSON apis and Microservices or even as stepping stone to building more robust backend solutions.
Merver is made up of three main classes to give it a modular approach, Merver, Middler, and Responder.
SPIN UP A TEMPLATE PROJECT: npx merced-spinup merver projectName
Merver - This is your web server that listens for requests
Middler - each middler object allows you to create a chain of middleware which can be attached to Mervers to used before every request or attached to response objects created by a Responder to be run before the controller functions of that particular endpoint.
Responder - An object that can create and maintains potential request responses which is attached to a Merver at construction.
The merver object creates an http server, its constructor can be passed a config option that configures how the server works...
const app = new Merver({
PORT: 4001,
middler: middleWare,
PORT: The Port number to listen on
responder: A responder object which carries all the routes for this application
middler: A middler object which has the global middleware registered to it, will be run before the responder on every request
allowOrigin: value of "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header, defaults to "_"
requestMethod: value of "Access-Control-Request-Method" header, defaults to "_"
**allowMethods:**value of "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" header, defaults to "OPTIONS, GET"
**allowHeaders:**value of "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header, defaults to "*"
**mwTimeout:**Amount of time in milliseconds before middleware timesout, useful if a lot of async processes in your middleware you want completed before responses. Defaults to 10 milliseconds
**resTimeout:**Amount of time in milliseconds before routes timeout, useful if a lot of your routes complete async tasks like db call, defaults to 200 milliseconds.
- When both timeouts occur the request will get a default "no response"
serveState: boolean that determines whether files will be served statically or not
publicFolder: property that says which folder to serve as a static folder, defaults to "./public"
cache: property that determines how long files serve should be cached for
instance.listen(callback) - Starts the server listener, will run a callback after starting listener if one is passed.
const responder = new Responder();
endpoint: "/",
GET: (req, res) => {
return res.html(`<h1>Hello World</h1>`);
// middler: middleWare2
endpoint: "/cheese/:param",
GET: (req, res) => {
return res.json({ Hello: "world" });
// middler: middleWare2
be careful with params as they may capture reference to static files, for example the route "/:param" will end up prioritized over "/index.html"
The Responder Object registers routes and their responses. There is one method...
responder.newResponse(config): Pass a new route object which has the following properties...
- endpoint: the url string to match against (URL PARAMS CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED)
- [VERB]: a function to be run for a request to the endpoint of that particular verb, format of the function is (request, response) => {}
- middler: a middler object to run middleware only for this route
Each middler object registers its own unique of middleware functions which can be bound globally to a Merver object or to a specific responder route.
const middleWare = new Middler();
middleWare.addMiddleware((req, res) =>
console.log(`${req.method} request to ${req.url}`)
const middleWare2 = new Middler();
middleWare2.addMiddleware((req, res) => console.log("I am middleware 2!"));
middler.bodyparser - can handle json and urlencoded data
res.json(response) => method of the response object that sends a JSON response
res.html(response) => method the response object that sends response as html string
req.query => object of all URL query keys and values
req.params => object with any url params which are denoted using "/:param/" in your routes.
Merver.init() the server callback function seperated from the http object in case you'd like to pass it to an http server. Here you go!
const Merver = require('merver)
const fs = require('fs')
const https = require('https')
const config = require('./config.js')
const app = new Merver(config)
key: fs.readFileSync('server.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('server.cert')
}, (req, res) => app.init(req, res, app))
.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening on port 3000! Go to https://localhost:3000/')