A basic Survey App using rails 5.X framework with the following features where admin creates a survey and share survey URL with users. After survey submission redirect to a survey response page where user can see the survey questions with selected answers
Ruby/Rails versions
- ruby ~> '2.5.1'
- rails ~> '5.2.1'
System dependencies
- postgresql 10.1
- How to run the test suite:
bundle exec rspec
- Install all npm packages:
yarn install
- Add new npm package:
yarn add $package
- Regenerate API docs:
rake docs:generate
- Run server:
rails server
- You can check API documentation on your local machine http://localhost:3000/api/docs or at
- Admin: [email protected]/password
I decided to try fast_jsonapi instead of active_model_serializers for this project, because it has really great performance in comparing to AMS. Performance Document
All front-end is written on Vue and it fits great for the small projects like this.
Instead of having User with role Guest or Admin, I've decoupled them into two separate models, Admin and User respectively. I prefer to use the roles system only if it is really required, avoiding too much complexity in the single User model.
Version 14 October 2018