Sometimes you have repetitive commands, so why not to turn it into scripts? :)
This script will update server using apt update && apt upgrade
Then goes to /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
Gets updates for DirectAdmin, then let's you decide to update or not.
Script is tested and working with Debian 8 and DirectAdmin version 1.53
- Download script.
- Add user to sudo group.
OPTIONAL: for security reasons I
chmod 0710
andchown root:sudo
, this way I can root user can rwx, group can x and others can't do anything to it. Because you are in group sudo, you can execute it. - Add script to /etc/sudoers, so no password is requested from user trying to execute.
username ALL = NOPASSWD: /path-to-script/
- Now you can execute script in terminal:
sudo ./