Projects for Harvard's CS50 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python course.
Week | Topic | Name | Description | Problem's Link |
0 | Search | Degrees | Determine how many degrees of separation apart two actors are | Link |
0 | Search | Tic-Tac-Toe | Play tic-tac-toe optimally using Minimax | Link |
1 | Knowledge | Knights | Solve logic puzzles | Link |
1 | Knowledge | Minesweeper | Play Minesweeper | Link |
2 | Uncertainty | Probability_AI | Rank web pages | Link |
2 | Uncertainty | Probability_Genes | Assess the likelihood of a person having a particular genetic trait | Link |
3 | Optimisation | Crossword | Generate crossword puzzles | Link |
4 | Learning | Shopping | Predict whether online shopping customers will complete a purchase or not | Link |
4 | Learning | Nim | AI agent that teaches itself to play Nim through reinforecement learning | Link |
5 | Neural Networks | Neural_Networks | Neural net to identify which traffic sign appears in a photograph | Link |