Update binary haqqd to v1.0.3
cd $HOME/haqq && \
git fetch && \
git checkout v1.0.3 && \
make install && \
haqqd version --long | head
name: haqq
server_name: haqqd
version: '"1.0.3"'
commit: 58215364d5be4c9ab2b17b2a80cf89f10f6de38a
Remove old genesis and download genesis.json to your server in .haqqd folder
rm -rf $HOME/.haqqd/config/genesis.json && cd $HOME/.haqqd/config/ && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haqq-network/validators-contest/master/genesis.json
Check genesis.json
sha256sum $HOME/.haqqd/config/genesis.json
Create a service file
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/haqqd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Haqq Node
ExecStart=$(which haqqd) start
Insertion of peers
peers="[email protected]:33656,[email protected]:29656,[email protected]:26556,[email protected]:29956,[email protected]:20116,[email protected]:45656,[email protected]:36656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:36656,[email protected]:32656"
sed -i -e 's|^seeds *=.*|seeds = "'$seeds'"|; s|^persistent_peers *=.*|persistent_peers = "'$peers'"|' $HOME/.haqqd/config/config.toml
Run the service file and see the logs of your node
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
sudo systemctl enable haqqd && \
sudo systemctl restart haqqd && \
sudo journalctl -u haqqd -f -o cat
If you run a node at the beginning of the testnet and you are on genesis, you will get this message
Genesis time is in the future. Sleeping until then... genTime=...
If you want to move to another server - make sure you have saved the mnemonic
and priv_validator_key.json
from the server where you did the gentx
Update packages and install required packages
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && \
sudo apt install curl tar wget clang pkg-config libssl-dev jq build-essential bsdmainutils git make ncdu gcc git jq chrony liblz4-tool -y
Install Go 1.18.3
wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.18.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz; \
rm -rv /usr/local/go; \
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.18.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz && \
rm -v go1.18.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz && \
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile && \
source ~/.bash_profile && \
go version > /dev/null
Install binary project
cd $HOME && git clone https://github.com/haqq-network/haqq && \
cd haqq && \
git checkout v1.0.3 && \
make install && \
haqqd version --long | head
name: haqq
server_name: haqqd
version: '"1.0.3"'
commit: 58215364d5be4c9ab2b17b2a80cf89f10f6de38a
Also init your node
haqqd init <YOURMONIKER> --chain-id haqq_54211-2 && \
haqqd config chain-id haqq_54211-2
Recover your wallet
haqqd keys add <YOURWALLET> --recover
📥 Upload the saved priv_validator_key.json
to your server. The path should look like this /.haqqd/config/priv_validator_key.json
Remove old genesis.json and download genesis.json to your server in .haqqd folder
rm -rf $HOME/.haqqd/config/genesis.json && cd $HOME/.haqqd/config/ && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haqq-network/validators-contest/master/genesis.json
Check genesis.json
sha256sum $HOME/.haqqd/config/genesis.json
Create a service file
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/haqqd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Haqq Node
ExecStart=$(which haqqd) start
Insertion of peers
peers="[email protected]:33656,[email protected]:29656,[email protected]:26556,[email protected]:29956,[email protected]:20116,[email protected]:45656,[email protected]:36656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:36656,[email protected]:32656"
sed -i -e 's|^seeds *=.*|seeds = "'$seeds'"|; s|^persistent_peers *=.*|persistent_peers = "'$peers'"|' $HOME/.haqqd/config/config.toml
Run the service file and see the logs of your node
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
sudo systemctl enable haqqd && \
sudo systemctl restart haqqd && \
sudo journalctl -u haqqd -f -o cat
If you run a node at the beginning of the testnet and you are on genesis, you will get this message
Genesis time is in the future. Sleeping until then... genTime=...