- full typescript
- Prisma ORM with sqlite example database
- basic registration and login using
- controller pattern
- Frontend
- Preact app
- automatic build optimization via preact-cli
- custom hooks: useForm
- Bootstrap Reboot
- CSS modules
- Google Material icons: https://fonts.google.com/icons
Top level script is an Express app. yarn start
or npm run start
evokes a
server that listens to the specified port, or on 3000. This server serves the
For development, start the /frontend
server via yarn dev
or npm run dev
The Express server redirects all /
requests to the frontend server at :8080
For production, yarn build
or npm run build
in the /frontend
which bundles the frontend app to /frontend/build
. The Express server will
statically serve this build directory.
npx express-generator --no-view express-preact
cd express-preact
npx preact-cli create typescript frontend
npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push
npx prisma db seed