High Quality Music Bot with a DJ System, Music Channel Setup, 24/7 in VC, Stage Channels, Slash Commands Support and more for FREE!
AINDRO is a smart music, utility bot. Provided multi-command for user.
Report Bug
Request Feature
- β Setup System
- β Music
- β 24/7
- β DJ
- β Custom Playlist (global)
- β SlashCommand
- β Custom prefix
- β Filters
- β Easy to use
- β And much more!
- Nodejs v18 and more
- Discord.js v14
- Java for lavalink
- Lavalink
Note: Java v11 or newer is required to run the Lavalink.jar. Java v13 is recommended. If you are using sdkman then its a manager, not Java, you have to install sdkman and use sdkman to install Java
Warning: Java v14 has issues with Lavalink.
- Discord bot's
You should know why you need this or you won't go to this repo
Get or create bot here - Mongodb
for custom prefix
MongoDB - Your ID
for eval command. It's dangerous if eval accessible to everyone
- Spotify client ID
for spotify support
Click here to get - Spotify client Secret
for spotify support
Click here to get
- β YouTube
- β Bandcamp
- β SoundCloud
- β Twitch
- β Vimeo
- β http (you can use radio for it)
- β Spotify
- β Deezer
This section assumes you have docker and docker-compose installed and is running correctly.
Download the Docker-Compose file in a seperate folder like lavamusic.
Edit the Docker-Compose file and make sure to edit the following variables:
TOKEN: "put your bot token"
PREFIX: "your bot prefix"
OWNER_ID: "your discord id"
For more information how to fill all the varialabes go to this page. You do not need to edit anything like the PORT, ADDRESS, PASSWORD, HOST, SECURE and USERNAME. Unless you know what your doing.
After saving your changes you can open a terminal and go to the same location as the docker-compose file. Then type the following:
docker-compose up -d
The above command will start all your services and your bot should be up and running!
To update, you only have to type the following:
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build -d
image prune -f
You can automate this by using Watchtower. The following should be sufficient:
docker run --detach \
--name watchtower \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--restart on-failure \
containrrr/watchtower --cleanup
Do note that the bot will restart itself to update to the latest!
git clone https://github.com/AlieffZulhelmi/AINDRO.git
After cloning, run
npm install
- Start the bot with
node src/sharder.js
to snag all of the dependencies. Of course, you need node installed. I also strongly recommend nodemon as it makes testing much easier.
When you are running the Code you must have gotten this Error. To fix this head over to your Bot's Discord Application and go to the Bot Settings and find this: Then turn on both of those Settings and click "Save Changes". Then you are done and it should be fixed!- edit in
and you can do in.env
token: process.env.TOKEN || "", // your bot token
clientID: process.env.CLIENT_ID || "", // your bot client id
prefix: process.env.PREFIX || "!", // bot prefix
ownerID: process.env.OWNER_ID || "", //your discord id
SpotifyID: process.env.SPOTIFY_ID || "",
SpotifySecret: process.env.SPOTIFY_SECRET || "",
mongourl: process.env.MONGO_URL || "", // MongoDb URL
embedColor: process.env.EMBED_COLOR || 0x303236, // embed colour
logs: process.env.LOGS || "channel_id", // channel id for guild create and delete logs
errorLogsChannel: process.env.ERROR_LOGS_CHANNEL || "channel_id", //error logs channel id
SearchPlatform: process.env.SEARCH_PLATFORM || "youtube music", // Sets the Search Platform. Possibilities: youtube || youtube music || soundcloud
"host": "localhost",
"port": 2333,
"password": "coders",
"retryDelay": 3000,
"secure": false
- Create an application.yml file in your working directory and copy the example into the created file and edit it with your configuration.
- Run the jar file by running
java -jar Lavalink.jar
in a Terminal window.
- edit in
respawn: true,
autoSpawn: true,
token: token,
totalShards: 1,
shardList: "auto",
AINDRO is a lavalink music bot base in erela.js If you liked this repository, feel free to leave a star β to help promote !
Support Server - AINDRO Support Server
By donating, you will help me to maintain this Project!
- Fork the repository
- Clone your fork:
git clone https://github.com/AlieffZulhelmi/AINDRO.git
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Stage changes
git add .
- Commit your changes:
ORnpm run commit
do not usegit commit
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request