# python2
python2 -m pip --version
python2 -m setuptools --version
python2 -m wheel --version
python2 -m virtualenv --version
# python3
python3 -m pip --version
python3 -m setuptools --version
python3 -m wheel --version
python3 -m virtualenv --version
# python2
python2 -m pip install setuptools wheel virtualenv
python2 -m pip install virtualenv
# python3
python3 -m pip install setuptools wheel virtualenv
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python2 -m virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python2 --no-site-packages venv2
python2 -m virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python2 venv2
python2 -m virtualenv -p C:\Python\Python27\python2.exe venv2
python2 -m virtualenv -p C:\Python\Python27\python2.exe venv2 > venv2.log
python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 --no-site-packages venv
python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 venv
python3 -m virtualenv -p C:\Python\Python38\python3.exe venv
python3 -m virtualenv -p C:\Python\Python38\python3.exe venv > venv.log
- 在
; - 在上述
# venv2 环境
# /Users/.../Python-DeMo/venv2/lib/python2.x/site-packages/python.pth
# venv 环境
# /Users/.../Python-DeMo/venv/lib/python3.x/site-packages/python.pth
在控制台中输入如下命令,使得Mac 环境下的 virtualenv
# python2
source ./venv2/bin/activate
# python3
source ./venv/bin/activate
在控制台中输入如下命令,使得Windows 环境下的 virtualenv
# python2
# python3
# python
python2 --version
python3 --version
# python help
python2 --help > ./Temp/help/python2_help.txt
python3 --help > ./Temp/help/python3_help.txt
# pip
python2 -m pip --version
python3 -m pip --version
# pip setuptools wheel help
python2 -m pip --help > ./Temp/help/python2_pip_help.txt
python3 -m pip --help > ./Temp/help/python3_pip_help.txt
## python2 -m setuptools --help > ./Temp/help/python2_setuptools_help.txt
## python3 -m setuptools --help > ./Temp/help/python3_setuptools_help.txt
python2 -m setup.py --help-commands > ./Temp/help/python2_setuptools_help.txt
python3 -m setup.py --help-commands > ./Temp/help/python3_setuptools_help.txt
python2 -m wheel --help > ./Temp/help/python2_wheel_help.txt
python3 -m wheel --help > ./Temp/help/python3_wheel_help.txt
# pip freeze
python2 -m pip freeze > ./Temp/python2_pip_freeze.txt
python3 -m pip freeze > ./Temp/python3_pip_freeze.txt
python2 -m pip list > ./Temp/python2_pip_list.txt
python3 -m pip list > ./Temp/python3_pip_list.txt
# pip cache list
python2 -m pip cache list > ./out/dist/python2_pip2_cache_list.txt
python3 -m pip cache list > ./out/dist/python3_pip3_cache_list.txt
# pip no cache install
python2 -m pip --no-cache-dir install com.dvsnier.*
python3 -m pip --no-cache-dir install com.dvsnier.*
# pip remove cache package with whl
python2 -m pip cache remove com.dvsnier.*
python3 -m pip cache remove com.dvsnier.*
# python2 build
python2 -m pip install build
python2 -m pip install --upgrade build
python2 -m build
python2 -m build > ./out/dist/build.txt
# python3 build
python3 -m pip install build
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
python3 -m build > ./out/dist/build.txt
# setup sdist
python2 setup.py sdist > ./out/dist/setup2_sdist.txt
python3 setup.py sdist > ./out/dist/setup3_sdist.txt
python2 setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
python2 setup.py bdist_wheel
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
# virtualenv
python2 -m virtualenv --version
python3 -m virtualenv --version
# virtualenv help
python2 -m virtualenv --help > ./Temp/help/python2_virtualenv_help.txt
python3 -m virtualenv --help > ./Temp/help/python3_virtualenv_help.txt
# tox
python2 -m tox --version
# python2 -m tox-travis --version
python3 -m tox --version
# python3 -m tox-travis --version
# tox tox-travis help
python2 -m tox --help > ./Temp/help/python2_tox_help.txt
# python2 -m tox-travis --help > ./Temp/help/python2_tox_travis_help.txt
python3 -m tox --help > ./Temp/help/python3_tox_help.txt
# python3 -m tox-travis --help > ./Temp/help/python3_tox_travis_help.txt
# the recommend
tox --result-json ./Temp/tox/python2_tox_result.json
tox --result-json ./Temp/tox/python3_tox_result.json
# twine
python2 -m twine --version
python3 -m twine --version
# twine help
python2 -m twine --help > ./Temp/help/python2_twine_help.txt
python3 -m twine --help > ./Temp/help/python3_twine_help.txt
# check python check and upload dist format
twine check dist/*
twine upload dist/*
Python 软件包开发工程结构,如下所示:
# soft package tree
--- project root
| --- .tox
| --- .vscode
| --- build
| --- dist
| --- doc
--- ...
--- README.md
| --- out
| --- src
--- com
--- dvsnier
--- ...
| --- Temp
| --- template
| --- tests
--- com
--- dvsnier
--- ...
| --- venv
| --- venv2
| --- .editorconfig
| --- .env
| --- .gitignore
| --- .rmcache.bash
| --- .rmcache.ps1
| --- LICENSE.txt
| --- MANIFEST.in
| --- pyproject.toml
| --- README.md
| --- requirements.txt
| --- setup.cfg
| --- tox.ini
- build
- discover
- flake8 (可选)
- pip
- setuptools
- tox
- toml (可选)
- tox-travis (可选)
- twine
- unittest2
- virtualenv
- wheel
# python2 pip version
python2 -m pip --version
python2 -m pip install build
python2 -m pip install discover
python2 -m pip install flake8
python2 -m pip install pip
python2 -m pip install setuptools
python2 -m pip install tox
python2 -m pip install toml
python2 -m pip install tox-travis
python2 -m pip install twine
python2 -m pip install unittest2
python2 -m pip install virtualenv
python2 -m pip install wheel
# python3 pip version
python3 -m pip --version
python3 -m pip install build
python3 -m pip install discover
python3 -m pip install flake8
python3 -m pip install pip
python3 -m pip install setuptools
python3 -m pip install tox
python3 -m pip install toml
python3 -m pip install tox-travis
python3 -m pip install twine
python3 -m pip install unittest2
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m pip install wheel
其实一般安装有 pip
首先配置 pyproject.toml
,模板固定, 一般不需大范围改动;
# https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_meta.html
# These are the assumed default build requirements from pip:
# https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/cli/pip/#pep-517-and-518-support
# As of version 10.0, pip supports projects declaring dependencies that are
# required at install time using a pyproject.toml file, in the form described
# in PEP 518. When building a project, pip will install the required
# dependencies locally, and make them available to the build process.
# Furthermore, from version 19.0 onwards, pip supports projects specifying the
# build backend they use in pyproject.toml, in the form described in PEP 517.
requires = [
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
然后配置 MANIFEST.in
软件包应当包含哪些信息,哪些排除配置信息, 如下所示:
# https://packaging.python.org/guides/using-manifest-in/
include pyproject.toml
# Include the README
include *.md
# Include the license file
include LICENSE.txt
# # Include the requirements file
include requirements.txt
再然后配置 tox
脚本自动化测试, 指定Python 虚拟环境版本, 配置信息如下:
# tox (https://tox.readthedocs.io/) is a tool for running tests
# in multiple virtualenvs. This configuration file will run the
# test suite on all supported python versions. To use it, "pip install tox"
# and then run "tox" from this directory.
# For information see https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html
envlist = py27, py38
minversion = 3.23.1
# Activate isolated build environment. tox will use a virtual environment
# to build a source distribution from the source tree. For build tools and
# arguments use the pyproject.toml file as specified in PEP-517 and PEP-518.
isolated_build = true
# install testing framework
# ... or install anything else you might need here
passenv =
platform = linux: linux
macos: darwin
windows: win32
; alwayscopy = True
allowlist_externals =
; changedir =
; tests
# https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-deps
# https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example/basic.html#a-simple-tox-ini-default-environments
deps =
commands =
; windows: python --version
; macos,linux: python --version
discover -s ./tests -t .
; unit2 discover []
; python -m unittest discover
最后配置 setup.cfg
构建脚本, 指定软件包所要构建的软件细节部分, 举例配置信息如下:
# 1. https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
# 2. https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/declarative_config.html
# 3. https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/references/keywords.html
name = com.dvsnier.xxx
version = 0.0.1.dev1
author = dvsnier
author_email = [email protected]
description = this is dvsnier xxx.
long_description = file: ./doc/description/xxx/README.md
long_description_content_type = text/markdown
keywords = xxx, development
url = https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeMo
project_urls =
Documentation = https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/
Funding = https://donate.pypi.org
Wiki = https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeMo/wiki
Bug_Tracker = https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeMo/issues
Source = https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeM
platforms = any
# classifiers
# Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
# Development Status :: 4 - Beta
# Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
classifiers =
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
python_requires =
# This includes the license file(s) in the wheel.
# https://wheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_guide.html#including-license-files-in-the-generated-wheel-file
# https://choosealicense.com/
license = MIT License
license_files =
package_dir =
= src
packages = find:
where = src
# https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#wheels
universal = 1
信息, 一定要明确具体发布规则;
实际项目中, 可依据如上配置信息稍加修改和增添;
最后配置 setup.py
构建脚本, 指定软件包所要构建的软件细节部分, 举例配置信息如下:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
"""A setuptools based setup module.
# Always prefer setuptools over distutils
# from setuptools import setup, find_packages, find_namespace_packages
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import os
import sys
def read_text(file_name):
''' the read describe readme files content. '''
content = ''
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
if sys.version_info.major > 2:
content += str(line)
content += str(line).encode('utf-8')
# print(content)
return content
project = os.getenv('BASE_PROJECT_PREFIX')
if project is None:
raise KeyError('the please configure BASE_PROJECT_PREFIX environment variable, otherwise it cannot run')
PROJECT_DIRECTORY = 'xxx' # project directory
PROJECT_README_FILE = 'README.md' # project readme file
README_ROOT_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(project, 'doc/description')
# Arguments marked as "Required" below must be included for upload to PyPI.
# Fields marked as "Optional" may be commented out.
# | 序列 | 字段 | 数据类型 | 选项 | 描述 | 备注 |
# | :---: | :-----------------------------------: | :---------: | :---: | -------------------- | ---- |
# | 1 | DVSNIER_NAME | string | Y | 包名称 | |
# | 2 | DVSNIER_VERSION | string | Y | 包版本 | |
# | 3 | DVSNIER_DESCRIPTOIN | string | | 包简单描述 | |
# | 4 | DVSNIER_LONG_DESCRIPTOIN | file | | 较长文档描述 | |
# | 5 | DVSNIER_LONG_DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE | string | | 长文本类型描述 | |
# | 6 | DVSNIER_URL | http | | 项目主页 | |
# | 7 | DVSNIER_AUTHOR | string | | 项目作者 | |
# | 8 | DVSNIER_AUTHOR_EMAIL | email | | 项目作者邮箱 | |
# | 9 | DVSNIER_LICENSE | 许可证 | | 许可证 | |
# | 10 | DVSNIER_CLASSIFIERS | classifiers | | 项目分类器 | |
# | 11 | DVSNIER_KEYWORDS | keywords | | 项目关键字 | |
# | 12 | DVSNIER_PACKAGE_DIR | string | | 包目录 | |
# | 13 | DVSNIER_PY_MODULES | string | Y | 模块名称 | |
# | 14 | DVSNIER_PACKAGES | string | Y | 包名称 | |
# | 15 | DVSNIER_PYTHON_REQUIRES | string | Y | 版本匹配分类器描述符 | |
# | 16 | DVSNIER_INSTALL_REQUIRES | list | | 依赖库 | |
# | 17 | DVSNIER_EXTRAS_REQUIRE | dict | | 附加/扩展依赖 | |
# | 18 | DVSNIER_PACKAGE_DATA | dict | | 包数据文件 | |
# | 19 | DVSNIER_DATA_FILES | list | | 包外数据文件 | |
# | 20 | DVSNIER_ENTRY_POINTS | dict | | 入口点 | |
# | 21 | DVSNIER_PROJECT_URLS | dict | | 项目 URL | |
# | 22 | | | | | |
DVSNIER_NAME = 'com.dvsnier.xxx' # Required
DVSNIER_VERSION = '0.0.1.dev0' # Required
DVSNIER_DESCRIPTOIN = 'this is dvsnier xxx.' # Optional
# Get the long description from the README file
DVSNIER_URL = 'https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeMo' # Optional
DVSNIER_AUTHOR = 'dvsnier' # Optional
DVSNIER_AUTHOR_EMAIL = '[email protected]' # Optional
# How mature is this project? Common values are
# 3 - Alpha
# 4 - Beta
# 5 - Production/Stable
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
# Indicate who your project is intended for
# 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
# 'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries',
# Pick your license as you wish
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
# Specify the Python versions you support here. In particular, ensure
# that you indicate you support Python 3. These classifiers are *not*
# checked by 'pip install'. See instead 'python_requires' below.
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9',
# 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only',
# 'Operating System :: OS Independent'
DVSNIER_KEYWORDS = 'xxx, development' # Optional
DVSNIER_PACKAGE_DIR = {'': 'src'} # Optional
# DVSNIER_PY_MODULES = ["xxx"] # Required
# DVSNIER_PACKAGES = find_packages(include=['xxx', 'xxx.*']) # Required
DVSNIER_PACKAGES = find_packages(where='src') # Required
# DVSNIER_NAMESPACE_PACKAGES = find_namespace_packages(include=['com.*']) # Required
# DVSNIER_PYTHON_REQUIRES = '>=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*'
'dev': ['check-manifest'],
'test': ['coverage']
# 'sample': ['package_data.dat'],
# ('my_data', ['data/data_file'])
# 'console_scripts': [
# 'dvs-dir=dvs:main',
# ],
'Bug_Tracker': 'https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeMo/issues',
'Documentation': 'https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/',
'Funding': 'https://donate.pypi.org',
'Wiki': 'https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeMo/wiki',
'Source': 'https://github.com/Alinvor/Python-DeMo'
# This is the name of your project. The first time you publish this
# package, this name will be registered for you. It will determine how
# users can install this project, e.g.:
# $ pip install com.dvsnier.xxx
# And where it will live on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/com.dvsnier.xxx/
# There are some restrictions on what makes a valid project name
# specification here:
# https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/#name
name=DVSNIER_NAME, # Required
# Versions should comply with PEP 440:
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/
# https://semver.org/lang/zh-CN/
# 1.2.0.dev1 Development release
# 1.2.0a1 Alpha Release
# 1.2.0b1 Beta Release
# 1.2.0rc1 Release Candidate
# 1.2.0 Final Release
# 1.2.0.post1 Post Release
# 15.10 Date based release
# 23 Serial release
# For a discussion on single-sourcing the version across setup.py and the
# project code, see
# https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/single_source_version.html
version=DVSNIER_VERSION, # Required
# This is a one-line description or tagline of what your project does. This
# corresponds to the "Summary" metadata field:
# https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/#summary
description=DVSNIER_DESCRIPTOIN, # Optional
# This is an optional longer description of your project that represents
# the body of text which users will see when they visit PyPI.
# Often, this is the same as your README, so you can just read it in from
# that file directly (as we have already done above)
# This field corresponds to the "Description" metadata field:
# https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/#description-optional
long_description=DVSNIER_LONG_DESCRIPTOIN, # Optional
# Denotes that our long_description is in Markdown; valid values are
# text/plain, text/x-rst, and text/markdown
# Optional if long_description is written in reStructuredText (rst) but
# required for plain-text or Markdown; if unspecified, "applications should
# attempt to render [the long_description] as text/x-rst; charset=UTF-8 and
# fall back to text/plain if it is not valid rst" (see link below)
# This field corresponds to the "Description-Content-Type" metadata field:
# https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/#description-content-type-optional
long_description_content_type=DVSNIER_LONG_DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE, # Optional (see note above)
# This should be a valid link to your project's main homepage.
# This field corresponds to the "Home-Page" metadata field:
# https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/#home-page-optional
url=DVSNIER_URL, # Optional
# This should be your name or the name of the organization which owns the project.
author=DVSNIER_AUTHOR, # Optional
# This should be a valid email address corresponding to the author listed above.
author_email=DVSNIER_AUTHOR_EMAIL, # Optional
# The license argument doesn’t have to indicate the license under which your package is being released,
# although you may optionally do so if you want. If you’re using a standard, well-known license, then
# your main indication can and should be via the classifiers argument. Classifiers exist for all major
# open-source licenses.
license=DVSNIER_LICENSE, # Optional
# Classifiers help users find your project by categorizing it.
# For a list of valid classifiers, see https://pypi.org/classifiers/
classifiers=DVSNIER_CLASSIFIERS, # Optional
# This field adds keywords for your project which will appear on the
# project page. What does your project relate to?
# Note that this is a list of additional keywords, separated
# by commas, to be used to assist searching for the distribution in a
# larger catalog.
keywords=DVSNIER_KEYWORDS, # Optional
# When your source code is in a subdirectory under the project root, e.g.
# `src/`, it is necessary to specify the `package_dir` argument.
package_dir=DVSNIER_PACKAGE_DIR, # Optional
# You can just specify package directories manually here if your project is
# simple. Or you can use find_packages().
# Alternatively, if you just want to distribute a single Python file, use
# the `py_modules` argument instead as follows, which will expect a file
# called `my_module.py` to exist:
# py_modules=["my_module"],
packages=DVSNIER_PACKAGES, # Required
# Only for Python 3.x and above
# namespace_packages=DVSNIER_NAMESPACE_PACKAGES, # Optional
# If your project contains any single-file Python modules that aren’t part of
# a package, set py_modules to a list of the names of the modules (minus the .py
# extension) in order to make setuptools aware of them.
# py_modules=DVSNIER_PY_MODULES, # Required
# Specify which Python versions you support. In contrast to the
# 'Programming Language' classifiers above, 'pip install' will check this
# and refuse to install the project if the version does not match. See
# https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#python-requires
# This field lists other packages that your project depends on to run.
# Any package you put here will be installed by pip when your project is
# installed, so they must be valid existing projects.
# For an analysis of "install_requires" vs pip's requirements files see:
# https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/requirements.html
# https://packaging.python.org/discussions/install-requires-vs-requirements/
install_requires=DVSNIER_INSTALL_REQUIRES, # Optional
# List additional groups of dependencies here (e.g. development
# dependencies). Users will be able to install these using the "extras"
# syntax, for example:
# $ pip install sampleproject[dev]
# Similar to `install_requires` above, these must be valid existing projects.
extras_require=DVSNIER_EXTRAS_REQUIRE, # Optional
# If there are data files included in your packages that need to be
# installed, specify them here.
# https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/datafiles.html
package_data=DVSNIER_PACKAGE_DATA, # Optional
# Although 'package_data' is the preferred approach, in some case you may
# need to place data files outside of your packages. See:
# http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html#installing-additional-files
# http://docs.python.org/3/distutils/setupscript.html#installing-additional-files
# In this case, 'data_file' will be installed into '<sys.prefix>/my_data'
data_files=DVSNIER_DATA_FILES, # Optional
# To provide executable scripts, use entry points in preference to the
# "scripts" keyword. Entry points provide cross-platform support and allow
# `pip` to create the appropriate form of executable for the target
# platform.
# For example, the following would provide a command called `dvsnier` which
# executes the function `main` from this package when invoked:
entry_points=DVSNIER_ENTRY_POINTS, # Optional
# 1. https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/
# 2. https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html
# 3. https://packaging.python.org/guides/packaging-namespace-packages/
# 4. https://github.com/pypa/sample-namespace-packages/tree/master/pkgutil
# List additional URLs that are relevant to your project as a dict.
# This field corresponds to the "Project-URL" metadata fields:
# https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/#project-url-multiple-use
# Examples listed include a pattern for specifying where the package tracks
# issues, where the source is hosted, where to say thanks to the package
# maintainers, and where to support the project financially. The key is
# what's used to render the link text on PyPI.
project_urls=DVSNIER_PROJECT_URLS, # Optional
信息, 一定要明确具体发布规则;
实际项目中, 可依据如上配置信息稍加修改和增添;
命令, 依据简短提示信息进行配置:
tox --verbose
tox --verbose --parallel all
tox --verbose --parallel auto
tox --verbose --parallel 4 // 4 cpu core
tox --verbose --parallel 8 // 8 cpu core
python2 -m tox --result-json ./Temp/help/python2_tox_result_json.txt
python3 -m tox --result-json ./Temp/help/python3_tox_result_json.txt
可使用如下命令, 进行xxx.tar.gz
二进制包构建, 命令如下:
# python build tar.gz and whl
python2 -m build
# python build tar.gz
python2 -m build --sdist
# python build whl
python2 -m build --wheel
# python build tar.gz and whl
python3 -m build
# python build tar.gz
python3 -m build --sdist
# python build whl
python3 -m build --wheel
- 账户注册地址: https://pypi.org/account/register/
- 创建一个PyPI API令牌, 以便能够安全地上传您的项目;
- 为了避免每次上载时都必须复制和粘贴令牌,可以创建一个
文件, 参考如下:
username = __token__
password = <the token value, including the `pypi-` prefix>
检查软件包, 命令:
twine check dist/*
上传软件包, 命令:
twine upload dist/*
- 【Config: The
File】 - 【Config: The
File】 - 【Config: The
File】 - 【Config: The
File】 - 【Config: The
File】 - 【Config: The
File】 - 【Template: The
File】 - 【Template: The
File】 - 【Template: The
File】 - 【Template: The
File】 - 【Template: The