- Users can enter lottery with ETH based on a USD fee
- an admin will choose when the lottery is over
- The lottery will select a random winner
how do we want to test this?
- 'mainnet-fork'
- 'development' with mocks
- 'testnet'
where anybody can enter and a random winner selected.
1 ) setup mkdir and init brownie
2 ) create a qiuck readme.md to explain 3 ) main func enter() ---> payable getEntranceFee() startLottery() endLottery()
4 ) make a test for ETH price 5 ) deleting brownie's internal built-in mainnet fork $brownie networks delete mainnet-fork
6 ) we want make sure we're not ending the lottery before the lottery even starts or we're not entering a lottery when a lottery hasn't even be begun ---> using enum
- randomness
random numbers are much harder
each node is never going to be able to sync up
---> base the ramndom number on some other attributes in the system it's not actually random is pseudorandom
8 ) to get a true random number we are going to have look outside the blockchain and we can't use just an api that gives a random number if something happens with that api is going to be down ----> what we need is a provable way to get a random number and chain-link vrf is actually that solution ---> chainlink vrf
key hash ---> uniquely identifies the chain link node that we're going to use fee ---> is how much link we're actually going to pay to the chainlink node for delevering us this random number
oracle Gas ---> this is to pay the oracles a fee for their services for providing data or doing some type of external computation for a smart contract
9 ) why didn't we pay oracle gas when working with the Chainlink Price feeds? for price feeds somebody had actually already paid for data to be returned and if we go to chainlink we can actually see a list of sponsers that are paying to get this data delivered they're already paying the oracle gas to bring this data on chain for us
10 ) gas estimation failed the reason that it's failing is because the contract doesn't have any oracle gas we can copy deployed transaction hash and send link to it for fee
11 ) : in one transaction we actually request some data then in a second transaction the chainlink node itself will make a function call and return the data back to the smart contract ---> in this case ---> fulfill randomness
11,1 ) two tx :
- pay by us when we called get random number
- paid by chainlink node when it called fulfill randomness
*** we can add any additional constructors from inherited smart contracts
12 ) how to do request random number? by saying bytes32 request id we're saying we're going to return
-->this means that in this first transaction we're going to request the data from the chain link oracle and chainlink goes to return the data to this contract into another function ---> fulfillRandomness ---> second transaction
** override keyword ---> means we're overriding the original declaration of the fulfillrandomness function
12,1) we can use that mod function in our fulfill randomness with the length of our players
13 ) lottery testing
- make a deploy_lottery.py firs thing we need always to deploy a contract is an account usually i use get_account() that we've been adding in a helpful script section
$brownie account list ---> show accounts
after getting id and index in get account func ---> now that we have an account to deploy our lottery ----> from brownie import Lottery
- see if we were on a localchain ro not if we were on a local chain then we would just pull our addresses directly from our config if we we weren't on a localchain tough we'd deploy some mocks and use the address of those mocks we're going all of this mocking and checking into a single func ---> get_contract() and add this function to our helpful script
contract_name as an argument for get_contract func
15 ) contract to mock ---> create mapping here
using Contract.from_abi package
add rinkeby network to yaml adding vrfCoordinatorMock
what else need? we need a link token ---> is just another smart contract ---> get_contract() add link token to config-yaml in chainlink go to LinkToken contracts add LinkToken to test folder beside mocks
what else to be need? we need a fee and a keyhash ---> they are numbers and not actually contracts
in yaml ---> in development set a keyhash and fee
now our deploy lottery --> we can't just grab this directly from a brawning config because we're always going to have this default keyhash and fee so----> config["network"][network.show_active()]["fee"], and same this for keyhash and last move ---> {"from":account} if we want to published this ---> published_source=config["networks"][network.show_active()].get("verify", False)
add vrf and linktoken to deploy mock get vrf in his constractor in sol document
- python lottery scripts/Functions
start the lottery ---> start_lottery enter_lottery() we need to pick some value to send when we call the enter function because we need to send that entranceFee with it
end_lottery()---> before we actually end this lottery we're going to need some link token in this contract because this func call request randomness and we can only request some randomness if our contract has some chainlink token
funding our contracts with the link token is going to be a pretty common function that we use ---> add it to helpful script we can also use the interfaces
16,1 ) waiting for callback when we call endlottery func we're going to make a request to a chainlink node and that chainlink node is going to be respond by calling this fulfill randomness function ---> so we actually have to wait for that chainlink node to finish ---> time.sleep(60) then we can see who that recent winner is
16,2 ) well, there's no chain-link nodes watching our local ganache so we add end_lottery
***unit test ---> a way of testing the smallest piece of code in an isolated instance
integration testing ---> a way of testing across multiple complex systems that run on a actual chain
first test ---> test_get_entrance_fee second test ---> test_cant_enter_unless_started third ---> test_can_start_and_enter_lottery fourth ---> test_can_end_lottery
to actually end the lottery we do need to send this some link calling request randomness we use our fund with link script
how do we actually know that this is being called correctly in Lottery when we call end lottery we don't we're not really doing check to see if our calculating winner state is different
fifth test ---> test_can_pick_winner_correctly() in our lottery test actually calling this fulfill randomness function and testing everything in here we're going to need to call fulfillRandomness() in Lottery
in vrfCoordinatorMock we have callBackWithRandomness() ---> this is the func that actually calls this rawfullfilrandomness.selector
when this contract actually entered the calculating winner state is we want to do what's called emmiting an event
** event ---> are pieces of data executed in the blockchain stored in the blockchain but are not accessible by any smart contracts
smart contracts cant access events events are much more gas efficient than using a storage variable
in the transaction details---logs section witch also includes all the different events now there's a lot of information here so we're actually going to do an event ourself just so that we can see what this really looks like
RandomnessRequest that spitout by the vercoordinator that is inhereted some data that's already been decoded one those pieces of data is request id
in Lottery.sol ---> event RequestedRandomness(bytes32 requestId);
this events is already really helpful for many reasons like: upgrading our smart contract understanding when a mappinng is updated
pretended to be the chainlink node and use this callback func in VRF to duumy getting a random number back from the chainlink node
17 ) integration test we're going to use rinkeby
this is going to be the opposite of our unit test unit test ---> only on our local blockchain we're going to skip if it's not on our local blockchains
in our unit test we pretended that were the vrf coordinator and called the callback with randommness and on a chain-link node
here, we're on an actual network so going wait for that chainlink node to respond brownie test -k test_can_pick_winner --network rinkeby -s -s ---> will print whatever brownie is going to be printingF
function enter(): ---> payable
- keep track all of the players,
every body signs up for this lottery.
function getEntranceFee(): --> view - we have to store somewhere this minimum entrance fee, and we can declare a variable and set in constructor.
we're going to need to pull from the price feed convert $5
to $5 in the eth.
usdEntryFee has 18 decimals but it cancled out with our priceFeed.
we want to make sure that we're not ending the lottery before the
lottery even starts/
when we initialize our contract here we're going to want to set our lottery state to being closed.
this is here we choose a random winner here
we're converting everything here to being a uint256,
because we want to pick a random number based off of an index.
it must be closed at first.
when we make sure that is closed we can start it.
and when it's start, we can enter in because the enter situation
is that the lottery must opened.