(These are the people who did the hard stuff)
This project was originally inspired by:
Unintentional contributors:
- The Empire project
- @T-S-A's smbspider script
- @ConsciousHacker's partial Python port of Invoke-obfuscation from the GreatSCT project
This repository contains the following repositories as submodules:
- Impacket
- Pypsrp
- Pywerview
- PowerSploit
- Invoke-Obfuscation
- Invoke-Vnc
- Mimikittenz
- NetRipper
- RandomPS-Scripts
- SessionGopher
- Mimipenguin
- RID-Hijacking
See the project's wiki for documentation and usage examples
Please see the installation wiki page here.
If you use CrackMapExec a lot (especially if it's used commercially), please consider donating as a lot of time & effort went into building & maintaining this.
Press the "Sponsor" button on the top of this page to see ways of donating/sponsoring this project.
0wn everything