This Github repository summarizes a list of research papers on AI security from the four top academic conferences, namely IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), USENIX Security Symposium, and ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
This repository is supported by the Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (T-AI) Lab at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).
We will try our best to continuously maintain this Github Repository in a weekly manner.
- 2023/8/6: Shi Junyu adds CCS papers.
- 2023/7/25: Zhang Hangtao adds NDSS & USENIX Security papers.
- 2023/7/24: Zhou Ziqi adds S&P papers.
- 2023/7/23: We create the AI-Security-Resources repository.
- Why Does Little Robustness Help? A Further Step Towards Understanding Adversarial Transferability. [Topic: AEs]
- Yechao Zhang, Shengshan Hu, Leo Yu Zhang, Junyu Shi, Xiaogeng Liu, Minghui Li, Wei Wan, Hai Jin. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2024.
“Adversarial Examples” for Proof-of-Learning. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Rui Zhang, Jian Liu, Yuan Ding, Zhibo Wang, Qingbiao Wu, and Kui Ren. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
Transfer Attacks Revisited: A Large-Scale Empirical Study in Real Computer Vision Settings. [Topic:AEs] [pdf]
- Yuhao Mao, Chong Fu, Saizhuo Wang, Shouling Ji, Xuhong Zhang, Zhenguang Liu, Jun Zhou, Alex X.Liu, Raheem Beyah, Ting Wang. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
Bad Characters: Imperceptible NLP Attacks. [Topic: AEs] [Code][pdf]
- Nicholas Boucher, Ilia Shumailov, Ross Anderson, Nicolas Papernot. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
Universal 3-Dimensional Perturbations for Black-Box Attacks on Video Recognition Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Shangyu Xie, Han Wang, Yu Kong, Yuan Hong. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
BadEncoder: Backdoor Attacks to Pre-trained Encoders in Self-Supervised Learning. [Topic: Backdoor] [Code][pdf]
- Jinyuan Jia, Yupei Liu, Neil Zhenqiang Gong. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
PICCOLO: Exposing Complex Backdoors in NLP Transformer Models. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Yingqi Liu, Guangyu Shen, Guanhong Tao, Shengwei An, Shiqing Ma, Xiangyu Zhang. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
Membership Inference Attacks From First Principles. [Topic: MIA] [pdf]
- Nicholas Carlini, Steve Chien, Milad Nasr, Shuang Song, Andreas Terzis, Florian Tramer. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
Back to the Drawing Board: A Critical Evaluation of Poisoning Attacks on Production Federated Learning. [Topic: PA & FL] [pdf]
- Virat Shejwalkar, Amir Houmansadr, Peter Kairouz, Daniel Ramage. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
Model Stealing Attacks Against Inductive Graph Neural Networks. [Topic: MSA & GNN] [pdf]
- Yun Shen, Xinlei He, Yufei Han, Yang Zhang. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
SoK: How Robust is Image Classification Deep Neural Network Watermarking? [Topic: Watermark] [pdf]
- Nils Lukas, Edward Jiang, Xinda Li, Florian Kerschbaum. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022.
Hear "No Evil", See "Kenansville": Efficient and Transferable Black-Box Attacks on Speech Recognition and Voice Identification Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Hadi Abdullah, Muhammad Sajidur Rahman, Washington Garcia, Logan Blue, Kevin Warren, Anurag Swarnim Yadav, Tom Shrimpton, Patrick Traynor. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021.
SoK: The Faults in our ASRs: An Overview of Attacks against Automatic Speech Recognition and Speaker Identification Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Hadi Abdullah, Kevin Warren, Vincent Bindschaedler, Nicolas Papernot, Patrick Traynor. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021.
Invisible for both Camera and LiDAR: Security of Multi-Sensor Fusion based Perception in Autonomous Driving Under Physical-World Attacks. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Yulong Cao, Ningfei Wang, Chaowei Xiao, Dawei Yang, Jin Fang, Ruigang Yang, Qi Alfred Chen, Mingyan Liu, Bo Li. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021.
Who is Real Bob? Adversarial Attacks on Speaker Recognition Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Guangke Chen, Sen Chen, Lingling Fan, Xiaoning Du, Zhe Zhao, Fu Song, Yang Liu. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021.
Adversarial Watermarking Transformer: Towards Tracing Text Provenance with Data Hiding. [Topic: Watermark] [pdf]
- Sahar Abdelnabi, Mario Fritz. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021.
Fusion: Efficient and Secure Inference Resilient to Malicious Servers. [Topic: MLaaS] [pdf]
- Caiqin Dong, Jian Weng, Jia-Nan Liu, Yue Zhang, Yao Tong, Anjia Yang, Yudan Cheng, Shun Hu. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
Machine Unlearning of Features and Labels. [Topic: Machine-Unlearning] [pdf]
- Alexander Warnecke, Lukas Pirch, Christian Wressnegger, Konrad Rieck. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
PPA: Preference Profiling Attack Against Federated Learning. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Chunyi Zhou, Yansong Gao, Anmin Fu, Kai Chen, Zhiyang Dai, Zhi Zhang, Minhui Xue, Yuqing Zhang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
RoVISQ: Reduction of Video Service Quality via Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning-based Video Compression. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Jung-Woo Chang, Mojan Javaheripi, Seira Hidano, Farinaz Koushanfar. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
Securing Federated Sensitive Topic Classification against Poisoning Attacks. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Tianyue Chu, Alvaro Garcia-Recuero, Costas Iordanou, Georgios Smaragdakis, Nikolaos Laoutaris. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
The “Beatrix” Resurrections: Robust Backdoor Detection via Gram Matrices. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Wanlun Ma, Derui Wang, Ruoxi Sun, Minhui Xue, Sheng Wen, Yang Xiang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
Adversarial Robustness for Tabular Data through Cost and Utility Awareness. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Klim Kireev, Bogdan Kulynych, Carmela Troncoso. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
Backdoor Attacks Against Dataset Distillation. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Yugeng Liu, Zheng Li, Michael Backes, Yun Shen, Yang Zhang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
BEAGLE: Forensics of Deep Learning Backdoor Attack for Better Defense. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Siyuan Cheng, Guanhong Tao, Yingqi Liu, Shengwei An, Xiangzhe Xu, Shiwei Feng, Guangyu Shen, Kaiyuan Zhang, Qiuling Xu, Shiqing Ma, Xiangyu Zhang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
Focusing on Pinocchio's Nose: A Gradients Scrutinizer to Thwart Split-Learning Hijacking Attacks Using Intrinsic Attributes. [Topic: SL] [pdf]
- Jiayun Fu, Xiaojing Ma, Bin B. Zhu, Pingyi Hu, Ruixin Zhao, Yaru Jia, Peng Xu, Hai Jin, Dongmei Zhang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
REaaS: Enabling Adversarially Robust Downstream Classifiers via Robust Encoder as a Service. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Wenjie Qu, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong. Network and Distributed System Security, 2023.
DeepSight: Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning Through Deep Model Inspection. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Phillip Rieger, Thien Duc Nguyen, Markus Miettinen, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
FedCRI: Federated Mobile Cyber-Risk Intelligence. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Hossein Fereidooni, Alexandra Dmitrienko, Phillip Rieger, Markus Miettinen, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Felix Madlener. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
Get a Model! Model Hijacking Attack Against Machine Learning Models. [Topic: Model-Hijacking] [pdf]
- Ahmed Salem, Michael Backes, Yang Zhang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
Local and Central Differential Privacy for Robustness and Privacy in Federated Learning. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Mohammad Naseri, Jamie Hayes, Emiliano De Cristofaro. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
Property Inference Attacks Against GANs. [Topic: IA & GAN] [pdf]
- Junhao Zhou, Yufei Chen, Chao Shen, Yang Zhang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
ATTEQ-NN: Attention-based QoE-aware Evasive Backdoor Attacks. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Xueluan Gong, Yanjiao Chen, Jianshuo Dong, Qian Wang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
Fooling the Eyes of Autonomous Vehicles: Robust Physical Adversarial Examples Against Traffic Sign Recognition Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Wei Jia, Zhaojun Lu, Haichun Zhang, Zhenglin Liu, Jie Wang, Gang Qu. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
MIRROR: Model Inversion for Deep Learning Network with High Fidelity. [Topic: MIA] [pdf]
- Shengwei An, Guanhong Tao, Qiuling Xu, Yingqi Liu, Guangyu Shen, Yuan Yao, Jingwei Xu, Xiangyu Zhang. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
RamBoAttack: A Robust and Query Efficient Deep Neural Network Decision Exploit. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Viet Quoc Vo, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Damith C. Ranasinghe. Network and Distributed System Security, 2022.
Data Poisoning Attacks to Deep Learning Based Recommender Systems. [Topic: PAs] [pdf]
- Hai Huang, Jiaming Mu, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Qi Li, Bin Liu, Mingwei Xu. Network and Distributed System Security, 2021.
FLTrust: Byzantine-robust Federated Learning via Trust Bootstrapping. [Topic: PA & FL] [pdf]
- Xiaoyu Cao, Minghong Fang, Jia Liu, Neil Zhenqiang Gong. Network and Distributed System Security, 2021.
Manipulating the Byzantine: Optimizing Model Poisoning Attacks and Defenses for Federated Learning. [Topic: PA & FL] [pdf]
- Virat Shejwalkar, Amir Houmansadr. Network and Distributed System Security, 2021.
Practical Blind Membership Inference Attack via Differential Comparisons. [Topic: MIA] [pdf]
- Bo Hui, Yuchen Yang, Haolin Yuan, Philippe Burlina, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Yinzhi Cao. Network and Distributed System Security, 2021.
POSEIDON: Privacy-Preserving Federated Neural Network Learning. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Sinem Sav, Apostolos Pyrgelis, Juan Ramón Troncoso-Pastoriza, David Froelicher, Jean-Philippe Bossuat, Joao Sa Sousa, Jean-Pierre Hubaux. Network and Distributed System Security, 2021.
“Security is not my field, I’m a stats guy”: A Qualitative Root Cause Analysis of Barriers to Adversarial Machine Learning Defenses in Industry. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Jaron Mink, Harjot Kaur, Juliane Schmüser and Sascha Fahl, Yasemin Acar. USENIX Security, 2023.
A Data-free Backdoor Injection Approach in Neural Networks. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Peizhuo Lv, Chang Yue, Ruigang Liang, Yunfei Yang. USENIX Security, 2023.
A Plot is Worth a Thousand Words: Model Information Stealing Attacks via Scientific Plots. [Topic: MSA] [pdf]
- Boyang Zhang, Xinlei He, Yun Shen, Tianhao Wang, Yang Zhang. USENIX Security, 2023.
Aegis: Mitigating Targeted Bit-flip Attacks against Deep Neural Networks. [Topic: BFA] [pdf]
- Jialai Wang, Ziyuan Zhang, Meiqi Wang, Han Qiu, Tianwei Zhang, Qi Li, Zongpeng Li, Tao Wei, Chao Zhang. USENIX Security, 2023.
Black-box Adversarial Example Attack towards FCG Based Android Malware Detection under Incomplete Feature Information. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Heng Li, Zhang Cheng, Bang Wu, Liheng Yuan, Cuiying Gao, Wei Yuan, Xiapu Luo. USENIX Security, 2023.
CAPatch: Physical Adversarial Patch against Image Captioning Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Shibo Zhang, Yushi Cheng, Wenjun Zhu, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu. USENIX Security, 2023.
DiffSmooth: Certifiably Robust Learning via Diffusion Models and Local Smoothing. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Jiawei Zhang, Zhongzhu Chen, Huan Zhang, Chaowei Xiao, Bo Li. USENIX Security, 2023.
Every Vote Counts: Ranking-Based Training of Federated Learning to Resist Poisoning Attacks. [Topic: PA & FL] [pdf]
- Hamid Mozaffari, Virat Shejwalkar, Amir Houmansadr. USENIX Security, 2023.
Exorcising "Wraith": Protecting LiDAR-based Object Detector in Automated Driving System from Appearing Attacks. [Topic: Appearing-Attack] [pdf]
- Qifan Xiao, Xudong Pan, Yifan Lu, Mi Zhang, Jiarun Dai, Min Yang. USENIX Security, 2023.
Fine-grained Poisoning Attack to Local Differential Privacy Protocols for Mean and Variance Estimation. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Xiaoguang Li, Ninghui Li, Wenhai Sun, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Hui Li. USENIX Security, 2023.
FreeEagle: Detecting Complex Neural Trojans in Data-Free Cases. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Chong Fu, Xuhong Zhang, Shouling Ji, Ting Wang, Peng Lin, Yanghe Feng, Jianwei Yin. USENIX Security, 2023.
GAP: Differentially Private Graph Neural Networks with Aggregation Perturbation. [Topic: DP & GNN] [pdf]
- Sina Sajadmanesh, Ali Shahin Shamsabadi, Aurélien Bellet, Daniel Gatica-Perez. USENIX Security, 2023.
Lost at C: A User Study on the Security Implications of Large Language Model Code Assistants. [Topic: LLM] [pdf]
- Gustavo Sandoval, Hammond Pearce, Teo Nys, Ramesh Karri, Siddharth Garg, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt. USENIX Security, 2023.
Meta-Sift: How to Sift Out a Clean Subset in the Presence of Data Poisoning?. [Topic: PA] [pdf]
- Yi Zeng, Minzhou Pan, Himanshu Jahagirdar, Ming Jin, Lingjuan Lyu, Ruoxi Jia. USENIX Security, 2023.
No more Reviewer #2: Subverting Automatic Paper-Reviewer Assignment using Adversarial Learning. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Thorsten Eisenhofer, Erwin Quiring, Jonas Möller, Doreen Riepel, Thorsten Holz, Konrad Rieck. USENIX Security, 2023.
PELICAN: Exploiting Backdoors of Naturally Trained Deep Learning Models In Binary Code Analysis. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Zhuo Zhang, Guanhong Tao, Guangyu Shen, Shengwei An, Qiuling Xu, Yingqi Liu, Yapeng Ye, Yaoxuan Wu, Xiangyu Zhang. USENIX Security, 2023.
PrivateFL: Accurate, Differentially Private Federated Learning via Personalized Data Transformation. [Topic: DP & FL] [pdf]
- Yuchen Yang, Bo Hui, Haolin Yuan, Neil Gong, Yinzhi Cao. USENIX Security, 2023.
Rethinking White-Box Watermarks on Deep Learning Models under Neural Structural Obfuscation. [Topic: Watermark] [pdf]
- Yifan Yan, Xudong Pan, Mi Zhang, and Min Yang. USENIX Security, 2023.
X-Adv: Physical Adversarial Object Attacks against X-ray Prohibited Item Detection. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Aishan Liu, Jun Guo, Jiakai Wang, Siyuan Liang, Renshuai Tao, Wenbo Zhou, Cong Liu, Xianglong Liu. USENIX Security, 2023.
TPatch: A Triggered Physical Adversarial Patch. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Wenjun Zhu, Xiaoyu Ji, Yushi Cheng, Shibo Zhang, Wenyuan Xu. USENIX Security, 2023.
UnGANable: Defending Against GAN-based Face Manipulation. [Topic: Deepfake] [pdf]
- WZheng Li, Ning Yu, Ahmed Salem, Michael Backes, Mario Fritz, Yang Zhang. USENIX Security, 2023.
Squint Hard Enough: Attacking Perceptual Hashing with Adversarial Machine Learning. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Jonathan Prokos, Neil Fendley, Matthew Green, Roei Schuster, Eran Tromer, Tushar Jois, Yinzhi Cao. USENIX Security, 2023.
The Space of Adversarial Strategies. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Ryan Sheatsley, Blaine Hoak, Eric Pauley, Patrick McDaniel. USENIX Security, 2023.
That Person Moves Like A Car: Misclassification Attack Detection for Autonomous Systems Using Spatiotemporal Consistency. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Yanmao Man, Raymond Muller, Ming Li, Z. Berkay Celik, Ryan Gerdes. USENIX Security, 2023.
NeuroPots: Realtime Proactive Defense against Bit-Flip Attacks in Neural Networks. [Topic: BFA] [pdf]
- Qi Liu, Jieming Yin, Wujie Wen, Chengmo Yang, Shi Sha. USENIX Security, 2023.
URET: Universal Robustness Evaluation Toolkit (for Evasion). [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Kevin Eykholt, Taesung Lee, Douglas Schales, Jiyong Jang, Ian Molloy, Masha Zorin. USENIX Security, 2023.
SMACK: Semantically Meaningful Adversarial Audio Attack. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Zhiyuan Yu, Yuanhaur Chang, Ning Zhang, Chaowei Xiao. USENIX Security, 2023.
Gradient Obfuscation Gives a False Sense of Security in Federated Learning. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Kai Yue, Richeng Jin, Chau-Wai Wong, Dror Baron, Huaiyu Dai. USENIX Security, 2023.
Fairness Properties of Face Recognition and Obfuscation Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Harrison Rosenberg, Brian Tang, Kassem Fawaz, Somesh Jha. USENIX Security, 2023.
PCAT: Functionality and Data Stealing from Split Learning by Pseudo-Client Attack. [Topic: SL] [pdf]
- Xinben Gao, Lan Zhang. USENIX Security, 2023.
ML-Doctor: Holistic Risk Assessment of Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models. [Topic: MIA] [pdf]
- Yugeng Liu, Rui Wen, Xinlei He, Ahmed Salem, Zhikun Zhang, Michael Backes, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Mario Fritz, Yang Zhang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Blacklight: Scalable Defense for Neural Networks against Query-Based Black-Box Attacks. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Huiying Li, Shawn Shan, Emily Wenger, Jiayun Zhang, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao. USENIX Security, 2022.
AutoDA: Automated Decision-based Iterative Adversarial Attacks. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Qi-An Fu, Yinpeng Dong, Hang Su, Jun Zhu, Chao Zhang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Poison Forensics: Traceback of Data Poisoning Attacks in Neural Networks. [Topic: PA] [pdf]
- Shawn Shan, Arjun Nitin Bhagoji, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao. USENIX Security, 2022.
Teacher Model Fingerprinting Attacks Against Transfer Learning. [Topic: Fingerprinting] [pdf]
- Yufei Chen, Chao Shen, Cong Wang, Yang Zhang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Hidden Trigger Backdoor Attack on NLP Models via Linguistic Style Manipulation. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Xudong Pan, Mi Zhang, Beina Sheng, Jiaming Zhu, Min Yang. USENIX Security, 2022.
PoisonedEncoder: Poisoning the Unlabeled Pre-training Data in Contrastive Learning. [Topic: PA] [pdf]
- Hongbin Liu, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong. USENIX Security, 2022.
Pool Inference Attacks on Local Differential Privacy: Quantifying the Privacy Guarantees of Apple's Count Mean Sketch in Practice. [Topic: IA & DP] [pdf]
- Andrea Gadotti, Florimond Houssiau, Meenatchi Sundaram Muthu Selva Annamalai, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye. USENIX Security, 2022.
PatchCleanser: Certifiably Robust Defense against Adversarial Patches for Any Image Classifier. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Chong Xiang, Saeed Mahloujifar, Prateek Mittal. USENIX Security, 2022.
Exploring the Security Boundary of Data Reconstruction via Neuron Exclusivity Analysis. [Topic: DRA] [pdf]
- Xudong Pan, Mi Zhang, Yifan Yan, Jiaming Zhu, Min Yang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Poisoning Attacks to Local Differential Privacy Protocols for Key-Value Data. [Topic: PA & DP] [pdf]
- Yongji Wu, Xiaoyu Cao, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong. USENIX Security, 2022.
Communication-Efficient Triangle Counting under Local Differential Privacy. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Jacob Imola, Takao Murakami, Kamalika Chaudhuri. USENIX Security, 2022.
Security Analysis of Camera-LiDAR Fusion Against Black-Box Attacks on Autonomous Vehicles. [Topic: AEs & AV] [pdf]
- R. Spencer Hallyburton, Yupei Liu, Yulong Cao, Z. Morley Mao, Miroslav Pajic. USENIX Security, 2022.
Transferring Adversarial Robustness Through Robust Representation Matching. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Pratik Vaishnavi, Kevin Eykholt, Amir Rahmati. USENIX Security, 2022.
Seeing is Living? Rethinking the Security of Facial Liveness Verification in the Deepfake Era. [Topic: Deepfake] [pdf]
- Changjiang Li, Li Wang, Shouling Ji, Xuhong Zhang, Zhaohan Xi, Shanqing Guo, Ting Wang. USENIX Security, 2022.
On the Necessity of Auditable Algorithmic Definitions for Machine Unlearning. [Topic: Machine-Unlearning] [pdf]
- Anvith Thudi, Hengrui Jia, Ilia Shumailov, Nicolas Papernot. USENIX Security, 2022.
Mitigating Membership Inference Attacks by Self-Distillation Through a Novel Ensemble Architecture. [Topic: MIA] [pdf]
- Xinyu Tang, Saeed Mahloujifar, Liwei Song, Virat Shejwalkar, Milad Nasr, Amir Houmansadr, Prateek Mittal. USENIX Security, 2022.
Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses in Neural Network Pruning. [Topic: MIA] [pdf]
- Xiaoyong Yuan, Lan Zhang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Efficient Differentially Private Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning via Hardness of Learning with Errors. [Topic: DP & FL] [pdf]
- Timothy Stevens, Christian Skalka, Christelle Vincent, John Ring, Samuel Clark, Joseph Near. USENIX Security, 2022.
Who Are You (I Really Wanna Know)? Detecting Audio DeepFakes Through Vocal Tract Reconstruction. [Topic: Deepfake] [pdf]
- Logan Blue, Kevin Warren, Hadi Abdullah, Cassidy Gibson, Luis Vargas, Jessica O'Dell, Kevin Butler, Patrick Traynor. USENIX Security, 2022.
Are Your Sensitive Attributes Private? Novel Model Inversion Attribute Inference Attacks on Classification Models. [Topic: MIAI] [pdf]
- Shagufta Mehnaz, Sayanton V. Dibbo, Ehsanul Kabir, Ninghui Li, Elisa Bertino. USENIX Security, 2022.
FLAME: Taming Backdoors in Federated Learning. [Topic: FL & Backdoor] [pdf]
- Thien Duc Nguyen, Phillip Rieger, Huili Chen, Hossein Yalame, Helen Möllering, Hossein Fereidooni, Samuel Marchal, Markus Miettinen, Azalia Mirhoseini, Shaza Zeitouni, Farinaz Koushanfar, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider. USENIX Security, 2022.
Synthetic Data – Anonymisation Groundhog Day. [Topic: Synthetic-Data] [pdf]
- Theresa Stadler, Bristena Oprisanu, Carmela Troncoso. USENIX Security, 2022.
On the Security Risks of AutoML. [Topic: NAS] [pdf]
- Ren Pang, Zhaohan Xi, Shouling Ji, Xiapu Luo, Ting Wang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Inference Attacks Against Graph Neural Networks. [Topic: IA & GNN] [pdf]
- Zhikun Zhang, Min Chen, Michael Backes, Yun Shen, Yang Zhang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Adversarial Detection Avoidance Attacks: Evaluating the robustness of perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Shubham Jain, Ana-Maria Crețu, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye. USENIX Security, 2022.
Label Inference Attacks Against Vertical Federated Learning. [Topic: IA & FL] [pdf]
- Chong Fu, Xuhong Zhang, Shouling Ji, Jinyin Chen, Jingzheng Wu, Shanqing Guo, Jun Zhou, Alex X. Liu, Ting Wang. USENIX Security, 2022.
Rolling Colors: Adversarial Laser Exploits against Traffic Light Recognition. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Chen Yan, Zhijian Xu, Zhanyuan Yin, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu. USENIX Security, 2022.
PatchGuard: A Provably Robust Defense against Adversarial Patches via Small Receptive Fields and Masking. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Chong Xiang, Arjun Nitin Bhagoji, Vikash Sehwag, Prateek Mittal. USENIX Security, 2021.
PrivSyn: Differentially Private Data Synthesis. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Zhikun Zhang, Tianhao Wang, Ninghui Li, Jean Honorio, Michael Backes, Shibo He, Jiming Chen, Yang Zhang. USENIX Security, 2021.
Muse: Secure Inference Resilient to Malicious Clients. [Topic: IA] [pdf]
- Ryan Lehmkuhl, Pratyush Mishra, Akshayaram Srinivasan, Raluca Ada Popa. USENIX Security, 2021.
Systematic Evaluation of Privacy Risks of Machine Learning Models. [Topic: IA] [pdf]
- Liwei Song, Prateek Mittal. USENIX Security, 2021.
Explanation-Guided Backdoor Poisoning Attacks Against Malware Classifiers. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Giorgio Severi, Jim Meyer, Scott Coull, Alina Oprea. USENIX Security, 2021.
Cerebro: A Platform for Multi-Party Cryptographic Collaborative Learning. [Topic: MPC] [pdf]
- Wenting Zheng, Ryan Deng, Weikeng Chen, Raluca Ada Popa, Aurojit Panda, Ion Stoica. USENIX Security, 2021.
T-Miner: A Generative Approach to Defend Against Trojan Attacks on DNN-based Text Classification. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Ahmadreza Azizi, Ibrahim Asadullah Tahmid, Asim Waheed, Neal Mangaokar, Jiameng Pu, Mobin Javed, Chandan K. Reddy, Bimal Viswanath, Virginia Tech. USENIX Security, 2021.
Defeating DNN-Based Traffic Analysis Systems in Real-Time With Blind Adversarial Perturbations. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Milad Nasr, Alireza Bahramali, Amir Houmansadr. USENIX Security, 2021.
Data Poisoning Attacks to Local Differential Privacy Protocols. [Topic: PA & DP] [pdf]
- Xiaoyu Cao, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong. USENIX Security, 2021.
How to Make Private Distributed Cardinality Estimation Practical, and Get Differential Privacy for Free. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Changhui Hu, Jin Li, Zheli Liu, Xiaojie Guo, Yu Wei, and Xuan Guang, Grigorios Loukides, Changyu Dong. USENIX Security, 2021.
SLAP: Improving Physical Adversarial Examples with Short-Lived Adversarial Perturbations. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Giulio Lovisotto, Henry Turner, Ivo Sluganovic, Martin Strohmeier, Ivan Martinovic. USENIX Security, 2021.
WaveGuard: Understanding and Mitigating Audio Adversarial Examples. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Shehzeen Hussain, Paarth Neekhara, Shlomo Dubnov, Julian McAuley, Farinaz Koushanfar. USENIX Security, 2021.
Graph Backdoor. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Zhaohan Xi, Ren Pang, Shouling Ji, Ting Wang. USENIX Security, 2021.
Entangled Watermarks as a Defense against Model Extraction. [Topic: Watermark] [pdf]
- Hengrui Jia, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Varun Chandrasekaran, Nicolas Papernot. USENIX Security, 2021.
Too Good to Be Safe: Tricking Lane Detection in Autonomous Driving with Crafted Perturbations. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Pengfei Jing, Qiyi Tang, Yuefeng Du, Lei Xue, Xiapu Luo, Ting Wang, Sen Nie, Shi Wu. USENIX Security, 2021.
Fantastic Four: Honest-Majority Four-Party Secure Computation With Malicious Security. [Topic: MPC] [pdf]
- Anders Dalskov, Daniel Escudero, Marcel Keller. USENIX Security, 2021.
Locally Differentially Private Analysis of Graph Statistics. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Jacob Imola, Takao Murakami, Kamalika Chaudhuri. USENIX Security, 2021.
Demon in the Variant: Statistical Analysis of DNNs for Robust Backdoor Contamination Detection. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Di Tang, XiaoFeng Wang, Haixu Tang, Kehuan Zhang. USENIX Security, 2021.
Stealing Links from Graph Neural Networks. [Topic: GNN] [pdf]
- Xinlei He, Jinyuan Jia, Michael Backes, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Yang Zhang. USENIX Security, 2021.
Adversarial Policy Training against Deep Reinforcement Learning. [Topic: AEs & RL] [pdf]
- Xian Wu, Wenbo Guo, Hua Wei, Xinyu Xing. USENIX Security, 2021.
Characterizing and Detecting Non-Consensual Photo Sharing on Social Networks. [Topic: Non-consensual Sharing] [pdf]
- Tengfei Zheng, Tongqing Zhou, Qiang Liu, Kui Wu, Zhiping Cai. ACM CCS, 2022.
DPIS: An Enhanced Mechanism for Differentially Private SGD with Importance Sampling. [Topic: DP & DNN] [pdf]
- Jianxin Wei, Ergute Bao, Xiaokui Xiao, Yin Yang. ACM CCS, 2022.
DriveFuzz: Discovering Autonomous Driving Bugs through Driving Quality-Guided Fuzzing. [Topic: AD] [pdf]
- Seulbae Kim, Major Liu, Junghwan "John" Rhee, Yuseok Jeon, Yonghwi Kwon, Chung Hwan Kim. ACM CCS, 2022.
EIFFeL: Ensuring Integrity for Federated Learning. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Amrita Roy Chowdhury, Chuan Guo, Somesh Jha, Laurens van der Maaten. ACM CCS, 2022.
Eluding Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning via Model Inconsistency. [Topic: FL] [pdf]
- Dario Pasquini, Danilo Francati, Giuseppe Ateniese. ACM CCS, 2022.
Enhanced Membership Inference Attacks against Machine Learning Models. [Topic: MI] [pdf]
- Jiayuan Ye, Aadyaa Maddi, Sasi Kumar Murakonda, Vincent Bindschaedler, Reza Shokri. ACM CCS, 2022.
Feature Inference Attack on Shapley Values. [Topic: MLaaS] [pdf]
- Xinjian Luo, Yangfan Jiang, Xiaokui Xiao. ACM CCS, 2022.
Graph Unlearning. [Topic: Machine Unlearning] [pdf]
- Min Chen, Zhikun Zhang, Tianhao Wang, Michael Backes, Mathias Humbert, Yang Zhang. ACM CCS, 2022.
Group Property Inference Attacks Against Graph Neural Networks. [Topic: GNNs] [pdf]
- Xiuling Wang, Wendy Hui Wang. ACM CCS, 2022.
Harnessing Perceptual Adversarial Patches for Crowd Counting. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Shunchang Liu, Jiakai Wang, Aishan Liu, Yingwei Li, Yijie Gao, Xianglong Liu, Dacheng Tao. ACM CCS, 2022.
Training Set Debugging Using Trusted Items. [Topic: ML] [pdf]
- Zayd Hammoudeh, Daniel Lowd. ACM CCS, 2022.
LPGNet: Link Private Graph Networks for Node Classification. [Topic: GCNs & DP] [pdf]
- Aashish Kolluri, Teodora Baluta, Bryan Hooi, Prateek Saxena. ACM CCS, 2022.
LoneNeuron: a Highly-Effective Feature-Domain Neural Trojan Using Invisible and Polymorphic Watermarks. [Topic: DNNs & Watermark] [pdf]
- Zeyan Liu, Fengjun Li, Zhu Li, Bo Luo. ACM CCS, 2022.
Membership Inference Attacks and Generalization: A Causal Perspective. [Topic: MI] [pdf]
- Teodora Baluta, Shiqi Shen, S. Hitarth, Shruti Tople, Prateek Saxena. ACM CCS, 2022.
Membership Inference Attacks by Exploiting Loss Trajectory. [Topic: MI] [pdf]
- Yiyong Liu, Zhengyu Zhao, Michael Backes, Yang Zhang. ACM CCS, 2022.
Order-Disorder: Imitation Adversarial Attacks for Black-box Neural Ranking Models. [Topic: IR] [pdf]
- Jiawei Liu, Yangyang Kang, Di Tang, Kaisong Song, Changlong Sun, Xiaofeng Wang, Wei Lu, Xiaozhong Liu. ACM CCS, 2022.
Perception-Aware Attack: Creating Adversarial Music via Reverse-Engineering Human Perception. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Rui Duan, Zhe Qu, Shangqing Zhao, Leah Ding, Yao Liu, Zhuo Lu. ACM CCS, 2022.
Physical Hijacking Attacks against Object Trackers. [Topic: AV] [pdf]
- Raymond Muller, Yanmao Man, Z. Berkay Celik, Ming Li, Ryan Gerdes. ACM CCS, 2022.
Post-breach Recovery: Protection against White-box Adversarial Examples for Leaked DNN Models. [Topic: DNN] [pdf]
- Shawn Shan, Wenxin Ding, Emily Wenger, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao. ACM CCS, 2022.
QuerySnout: Automating the Discovery of Attribute Inference Attacks against Query-Based Systems. [Topic: QBS] [pdf]
- Ana-Maria Crețu, Florimond Houssiau, Antoine Cully, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye. ACM CCS, 2022.
SSLGuard: A Watermarking Scheme for Self-supervised Learning Pre-trained Encoders. [Topic: Watermark] [pdf]
- Tianshuo Cong, Xinlei He, Yang Zhang. ACM CCS, 2022.
SpecPatch: Human-In-The-Loop Adversarial Audio Spectrogram Patch Attack on Speech Recognition. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Hanqing Guo, Yuanda Wang, Nikolay Ivanov, Li Xiao, Qiben Yan. ACM CCS, 2022.
StolenEncoder: Stealing Pre-trained Encoders in Self-supervised Learning. [Topic: EaaS] [pdf]
- Yupei Liu, Jinyuan Jia, Hongbin Liu, Neil Gong. ACM CCS, 2022.
Truth Serum: Poisoning Machine Learning Models to Reveal Their Secrets. [Topic: ML] [pdf]
- Florian Tramer, Reza Shokri, Ayrton San Joaquin, Hoang Le, Matthew Jagielski, Sanghyun Hong, Nicholas Carlini. ACM CCS, 2022.
Understanding Real-world Threats to Deep Learning Models in Android Apps. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Zizhuang Deng, Kai Chen, Guozhu Meng, Xiaodong Zhang, Ke Xu, Yao Cheng. ACM CCS, 2022.
When Evil Calls: Targeted Adversarial Voice over IP Network. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Han Liu, Zhiyuan Yu, Mingming Zha, XiaoFeng Wang, William Yeoh, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Ning Zhang. ACM CCS, 2022.
Why So Toxic? Measuring and Triggering Toxic Behavior in Open-Domain Chatbots. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Wai Man Si, Michael Backes, Jeremy Blackburn, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gianluca Stringhini, Savvas Zannettou, Yang Zhang. ACM CCS, 2022.
"Is your explanation stable?": A Robustness Evaluation Framework for Feature Attribution. [Topic: NNs] [pdf]
- Yuyou Gan, Yuhao Mao, Xuhong Zhang, Shouling Ji, Yuwen Pu, Meng Han, Jianwei Yin, Ting Wang. ACM CCS, 2022.
Cert-RNN: Towards Certifying the Robustness of Recurrent Neural Networks. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Tianyu Du, Shouling Ji, Lujia Shen, Yao Zhang, Jinfeng Li, Jie Shi, Chengfang Fang, Jianwei Yin, Raheem Beyah, Ting Wang. ACM CCS, 2021.
AHEAD: Adaptive Hierarchical Decomposition for Range Query under Local Differential Privacy. [Topic: LDP] [pdf]
- Linkang Du, Zhikun Zhang, Shaojie Bai, Changchang Liu, Shouling Ji, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen. ACM CCS, 2021.
Unleashing the Tiger: Inference Attacks on Split Learning. [Topic: SL] [pdf]
- Dario Pasquini, Giuseppe Ateniese, Massimo Bernaschi. ACM CCS, 2021.
TableGAN-MCA: Evaluating Membership Collisions of GAN-Synthesized Tabular Data Releasing. [Topic: GAN] [pdf]
- Aoting Hu, Renjie Xie, Zhigang Lu, Aiqun Hu, Minhui Xue. ACM CCS, 2021.
"I need a better description": An Investigation Into User Expectations For Differential Privacy. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Rachel Cummings, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Elissa M. Redmiles. ACM CCS, 2021.
Locally Private Graph Neural Networks. [Topic: GNNs] [pdf]
- Sina Sajadmanesh, Daniel Gatica-Perez. ACM CCS, 2021.
A One-Pass Distributed and Private Sketch for Kernel Sums with Applications to Machine Learning at Scale. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Benjamin Coleman, Anshumali Shrivastava. ACM CCS, 2021.
On the Robustness of Domain Constraints. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Ryan Sheatsley, Blaine Hoak, Eric Pauley, Yohan Beugin, Michael J. Weisman, Patrick McDaniel. ACM CCS, 2021.
Membership Leakage in Label-Only Exposures. [Topic: MI] [pdf]
- Zheng Li, Yang Zhang. ACM CCS, 2021.
Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Shaofeng Li, Hui Liu, Tian Dong, Benjamin Zi Hao Zhao, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu, Jialiang Lu. ACM CCS, 2021.
DataLens: Scalable Privacy Preserving Training via Gradient Compression and Aggregation. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Boxin Wang, Fan Wu, Yunhui Long, Luka Rimanic, Ce Zhang, Bo Li. ACM CCS, 2021.
DeepAID: Interpreting and Improving Deep Learning-based Anomaly Detection in Security Applications. [Topic: DL] [pdf]
- Dongqi Han, Zhiliang Wang, Wenqi Chen, Ying Zhong, Su Wang, Han Zhang, Jiahai Yang, Xingang Shi, Xia Yin. ACM CCS, 2021.
Honest-but-Curious Nets: Sensitive Attributes of Private Inputs Can Be Secretly Coded into the Classifiers' Outputs. [Topic: Classifer] [pdf]
- Mohammad Malekzadeh, Anastasia Borovykh, Deniz Gunduz. ACM CCS, 2021.
Differential Privacy for Directional Data. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Benjamin Weggenmann, Florian Kerschbaum. ACM CCS, 2021.
"Hello, It's Me": Deep Learning-based Speech Synthesis Attacks in the Real World. [Topic: Speech Synthesis Attack] [pdf]
- Emily Wenge, Max Bronckers, Christian Cianfarani, Jenna Cryan, Angela Sha, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao. ACM CCS, 2021.
EncoderMI: Membership Inference against Pre-trained Encoders in Contrastive Learning. [Topic: MI] [pdf]
- Hongbin Liu, Jinyuan Jia, Wenjie Qu, Neil Gong. ACM CCS, 2021.
Subpopulation Data Poisoning Attacks. [Topic: Poisoning Attack] [pdf]
- Matthew Jagielski, Giorgio Severi, Niklas Pousette Harger, Alina Oprea. ACM CCS, 2021.
Continuous Release of Data Streams under both Centralized and Local Differential Privacy. [Topic: DP] [pdf]
- Tianhao Wang, Joann Qiongna Chen, Zhikun Zhang, Dong Su, Yueqiang Cheng, Zhou Li, Ninghui Li, Somesh Jha. ACM CCS, 2021.
When Machine Unlearning Jeopardizes Privacy. [Topic: MI] [pdf]
- Min Chen, Zhikun Zhang, Tianhao Wang, Michael Backes, Mathias Humbert, Yang Zhang. ACM CCS, 2021.
DetectorGuard: Provably Securing Object Detectors against Localized Patch Hiding Attacks. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Chong Xiang, Prateek Mittal. ACM CCS, 2021.
I Can See the Light: Attacks on Autonomous Vehicles Using Invisible Lights. [Topic: AV] [pdf]
- Wei Wang, Yao Yao, Xin Liu, Xiang Li, Pei Hao, Ting Zhu. ACM CCS, 2021.
Backdoor Pre-trained Models Can Transfer to All. [Topic: Backdoor] [pdf]
- Lujia Shen, Shouling Ji, Xuhong Zhang, Jinfeng Li, Jing Chen, Jie Shi, Chengfang Fang, Jianwei Yin, Ting Wang. ACM CCS, 2021.
Quantifying and Mitigating Privacy Risks of Contrastive Learning. [Topic: CL] [pdf]
- Xinlei He, Yang Zhang. ACM CCS, 2021.
Membership Inference Attacks Against Recommender Systems. [Topic: MI] [pdf]
- Minxing Zhang, Zihan Wang, Yang Zhang, Zhaochun Ren, Pengjie Ren, Zhunmin Chen, Pengfei Hu. ACM CCS, 2021.
Learning Security Classifiers with Verified Global Robustness Properties. [Topic: Classifier] [pdf]
- Yizheng Chen, Shiqi Wang, Yue Qin, Xiaojing Liao, Suman Jana, David Wagner. ACM CCS, 2021.
Robust Adversarial Attacks Against DNN-Based Wireless Communication Systems. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Alireza Bahramali, Milad Nasr, Amir Houmansadr, Dennis Goeckel, Don Towsley. ACM CCS, 2021.
Can We Use Arbitrary Objects to Attack LiDAR Perception in Autonomous Driving? [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Yi Zhu, Chenglin Miao, Tianhang Zheng, Foad Hajiaghajani, Lu Su, Chunming Qiao. ACM CCS, 2021.
Feature Indistinguishable Attack to Circumvent Trapdoor-enabled Defense. [Topic: AEs] [Code][pdf]
- Chaoxiang He, Bin (Benjamin) Zhu, Xiaojing Ma, Hai Jin, Shengshan Hu. ACM CCS, 2021.
A Hard Label Black-box Adversarial Attack Against Graph Neural Networks. [Topic: AEs & DNN] [pdf]
- Jiaming Mu, Binghui Wang, Qi Li, Kun Sun, Mingwei Xu, Zhuotao Liu. ACM CCS, 2021.
Reverse Attack: Black-box Attacks on Collaborative Recommendation. [Topic: CF & Poisoning Attack] [pdf]
- Yihe Zhang, Xu Yuan, Jin Li, Jiadong Lou, Li Chen, Nianfeng Tzeng. ACM CCS, 2021.
zkCNN: Zero Knowledge Proofs for Convolutional Neural Network Predictions and Accuracy. [Topic: CNN] [pdf]
- Tianyi Liu, Xiang Xie, Yupeng Zhang. ACM CCS, 2021.
Black-box Adversarial Attacks on Commercial Speech Platforms with Minimal Information. [Topic: AEs] [pdf]
- Baolin Zheng, Peipei Jiang, Qian Wang, Qi Li, Chao Shen, Cong Wang, Yunjie Ge, Qingyang Teng, Shenyi Zhang. ACM CCS, 2021.
AI-Lancet: Locating Error-inducing Neurons to Optimize Neural Networks. [Topic: DNN] [pdf]
- Yue Zhao, Hong Zhu, Kai Chen, Shengzhi Zhang. ACM CCS, 2021.