z2y converts (and only converts) chinese character in utf8 encoding into initial Pinyin string. z2y 会把utf8格式的汉字字符串转换成拼音首字母字符串
"啊薄车单饿飞干很见空冷吗嫩哦盘群润三图玩先烟总" -> "abcdefghjklmnopqrstwxyz"
"中华人民共和国" -> "zhrmghg"
"汉语拼音都是浮云" -> "hypydsfy"
"世界你好!hello world!" -> "sjnh!hello world!"
"!,。;……()你好¥:、——" -> "!,。;……()nh¥:、——"
"all english" -> "all english"
"1234567890" -> "1234567890"
"!@#$%^&*()~,.<>/?';:[]{}" -> "!@#$%^&*()~,.<>/?';:[]{}"
"转换原理是把UTF8字符先转换成gbk然后查表" -> "zhylsbUTF8zfxzhcgbkrhcb"
###1. Make sure you have a working Go installation, you can get it from: http://golang.org/
###2. Create a "gopath" directory if you do not have one yet and set the GOPATH variable accordingly. For example: mkdir -p go-externals/src export GOPATH=${PWD}/go-externals
###3. go get github.com/AllenDang/z2y
###4. go install github.com/AllenDang/z2y
##Usage py := z2y.ConvertToPy("你好世界") println(py) //output is "nhsj"
Contributions in form of design, code, documentation, bug reporting or other ways you see fit are very welcome.
Thank You!