Unfinished, unoptimized and not fully functional ugly demo weapon paints plugin for CSSharp. There will be a lot of frequent changes which may break functionality or compatibility. You have been warned!
Created Discord server where you can discus about plugin.
- changes only paint, seed and wear on weapons and knives
- mysql based
- data sync on player connect
- Added command
to refresh skins (with cooldown in second can be configured) - Added command
to show website - Added command
to show menu with knives - Knife change is now limited to have these cvars empty
mp_t_default_melee ""
andmp_ct_default_melee ""
- compile and copy plugin to plugins. Info here https://docs.cssharp.dev/guides/hello-world-plugin/
- setup
with database credentials - in
set FollowCS2ServerGuidelines to false
- requires PHP min v7.3 (tested on php ver
and nginx webserver) - copy website to web server (img folder not needed)
- import
to mysql - get steam api key https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
- fill in database credentials and api key in
- visit website and login via steam