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Slide Navigator For Blog Website


You can download the latest version of SlideBlogNavigator.js on GitHub

Include CSS bootstrap files in the head section of your Html as shown below

link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css" link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap-theme.min.css"

Include "jQuery.js" , "bootstrap.min.js" , "SlideBlogNavigator.js" , and your script file, in my case it is "myscript.js" in sequence as shown below in your Html file

    <script src="" ></script>
    <script type="type/javascript" src="script/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script/SlideBlogNavigator.js" ></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script/myscript.js"></script>

In your script file, in my case it is "myscript.js", write the below line in order to run the script

/* Run the below line for running the SlideBlogNavigator.js script */

var sbobject = $SB({});

you can pass options to the empty object passed as a parameter to $SB() function, for example refer below function call

var sbobject = $SB({ image: true, setImageAsBackground: true,topMargin: "0px" });

/* In your "index.html" file include just the below two container div "container-SB" Div & "nav-container-SB" Div, as below, replace your image source path and your Blog description */

<div class="container-SB"> <div > <img src="got1.jpeg" /> <div > <div ><p>Game Of Thrones</p></div> <div > <p> 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div>

<div class="nav-container-SB"> <div > <img src="" /> <div > </div> </div> </div>

/* Run the index.html using the browser */


/* Run the SpecRunner.html using the browser for running the JASMINE test suites */



You can find documentation at SlideBlogNavigator.js on GitHub.

Current Version @ version 1.0 - SlideBlogNavigator.js

Load Image's and Article's Directly From Website @ version 2.0 - SlideBlogNavigator.js

Option's setting while initiating SlideBlogNavigator

Option : image Default: true Function's as: When set true it singnals API that images are used in the Blog

Option : topMargin Default: '0px' Function's as: Used when menu header is present on top, this will ensure that Blog articles is not overlapped

Option : bottomMargin Default: '0px' Function's as: Used for providing extra space at bottom

Option : setImageAsBackground Default: true Function's as: Blog images are displayed as background images in a container, if false normal image container is used.

Option : setBackgroundColor Default: '#dedede' Function's as: Set's the background color of the website.

Option : imageBorderColor Default: '#2980b9' Function's as: Set's the Image border color.

Option : imageBorderStyle Default: 'solid' Function's as: Set's the Image border style.

Option : imageBorderWidth Default: '3px' Function's as: Set's the Image border width.

API's methods

Method: setAutomaticScroll( --boolean-- ) Default: No click event assigned Function's: Assign's click event to Navigation Panel

Method: setAutoNavPanelScroll( --boolean-- ) Default: No scroll event assigned Function's: Assign's scroll event to Blog Navigation








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  • JavaScript 91.2%
  • HTML 8.4%
  • CSS 0.4%